Monday, September 12, 2005


Hey there...ok, I know that everyone wants me to send pictures of my family but I havent had a chance to take pictures of them when i actually remember. Soon I will though. Oh, and one more thing i forgot to mention about cars: everyone drives VW´s, audi´s, BMW´s, and Mercedes´. The Krüger´s have a VW passat and a VW polo, both the wagon style.

Anyway...I went to school today. It was cold outside and foggy again and i accidentally slept in. I set my alarm for 5:40 but forgot that it didnt have snooze like mine at home so when i turned it off it never went off again. typical me....And breakfast was to be at 6:30 (things are more formal here in the eating aspect...everyone eats together). So Stefanie came in at 6:30 and I was still sleeping. oops. So i got up and went and ate and then got ready quick because we were leaving at 7:10. Scheffel Gymnasium doesnt have a huge campus like Foothill, it goes up and down. There is one level about half underground and then (Ah the sun just came out!!)there are 3 others. So 4 altogether. And its 12 classrooms long i believe and 2 wide, plus a hall. And then there is another building that is a little different and i think has probably about 2/3 the classrooms as the big one. There are 1100-1200 students, grades 5-13. And those little kids are obsessed with running up the stairs. Every time they have to go up or down the stairs or down the halls, they run. I am surprised i didnt see any fall and take others down with them. Manfred and I had to wait to see the school director, so that took about 30 minutes. Then we had to fill something out and wait another 30 minutes to be told that it would be an hour until we could make my schedule because we had to wait for one of the 12th grade teachers to be out of class. Then it was another 10 minutes after that and then 15 in his office deciding my classes. And then i made it for the last minute of Deutschstunde (German class). I was introduced and the other students whispered and whatnot. I have never been a new kid before, it was weird...especially when i have no idea what everyone is saying. Right when the bell rang a girl jumped up to me (i had recognized her from earlier walking by and thought she was dressed cute) and started talking to me and seemed really interested with me. Kinda like how I was back in the USA whenever I met exchange students. haha. Her name is Katie (i havent a clue if that´s spelled right), but pronounced caw-tea. She walked with me to my next class and showed me where it was.

The next was a 2 period class of ''Politik.'' (Oh, and for everyone that reads Harry Potter...i dont think of it as 2 periods of politics, more like ''double politics!!!'' Muhuhahah. And i have double Deutsch (hah that sounds cool) and double spanish, and double sport.....i could go on and on...). And so I pretty much didnt understand anything that the teacher said, and i dont remember his name either. Actually I dont think I ever even knew it to begin with. I took notes off what he wrote on the board but i think that half the stuff i wrote is most like spelled wrong. I could hardly read his handwriting and the fact that is was in german made it more difficult....I did here him say ''George w. Bush'' and ''Richard Nixon'' and ''Bill Clinton'' and ''winner takes all.'' Guess thats political lingo world wide.

After that we came home. I guess the first day is always short. I get my schedule tomorrow so i will name my classes tomorrow or something. Hmm so that's it I suppose....


Anonymous said...

You slept in!? I don't beleive it. I don't think I'm on the right blog. My Kari would NEVER sleep in, especially on a school day! Looks like I'm gonna have to do some web searching and find the right Kari Nicolls blog. Imposter!
Love pop

Anonymous said...

hey kari, thats cool that you have already made a friend. thats awesome that you can say that your taking double politics or double deutch. cool thats funny that you politics teacher was talking about our government system, because you think he would be talking about the german government. anyways i'll write you and email some time soon love tori

Anonymous said...

Wow..a twofer!! A letter from Uncle Paul that was more than 3 sentences and a update of your first day of school. Mel will have to compare notes on the "new kid thing". Sounds like a who lot of hurry up and wait, just like here!! I am hurrying up and waiting on my pool. Barely any work on it in over 2 weeks!! It is getting old, this mud pit back yard of mine.
UP took CD swimming in the ocean off the coast of Angola, and something in the ocean bit her arm and toe! Not a shark, tiny small bites, enough to leave holes and blood..... after that they quite swimming. A sea story for CD to share when she gets back.
I hope your 2nd of school goes more smoothly!! Blame jet lag for the over sleeping...but what is Melanies excuse????
love you!

Anonymous said...

Smooth Move Kari. You slept in.
By the way your mom found your diploma, she told me when she was reading your slipper e-mail!

Bye, Bryce I. 6th Grade

Anonymous said...

I am laughing..Bryce is quite a character...I don't remember teling him I found your diploma, but I guess I did. Yeah, I have it.

School sounds like it will be a challenge. Implement those strategies for success...make friends with Katie and study together.

Can't believe you overslept. NOT! I sure hope you weren't quite so....shall I say...feisty... when Stephanie awoke you.

We await some pics. Take your camera to school and get a pic of your first friends. WHat do their classrooms look like compared to ours? Is the learning more traditional instruction or more creative as we American's tend to teach.

Do you think you can ever go into the 6th form or whatever they call it. I bet my kids would love to email intereact with their 6th grade...can you hunt down a connection? Have someone introduce you to the 6th gr tchr? (after you get all set up that is..)

Keep mum posted.

I was a bit forlorn yesterday, as I was in my room working on lessons,and listening to Shania and I thought of Friday night skiing. When I was a teen I always listened to Rod Stewart on Ski trips. With you guys it has always been Shania Twain. What will I do. Michelle said sh'd drag me along. Maybe I will drag Jimmi Stewart with me---I am giving her all your old magazines etc.

I love you,


Anonymous said...

Kari- mad. can't even begin to think about taking notes. in any of my REGUlar classes (excpet loverde. i'd never get by. precalc.) totally mad school action. if it makes you feel any better, i was late first day of school, too. excpet dad drove me to school. oh, and i spent two hours in the conciling office, too. except i could understand Star and everything.. whatever.
cheers! and luck! and stuff...

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blogs daily and I feel like I am almost there with you. I noticed the same thing regarding vehicles. As far as I can tell, Europe has transportation much more dialed in than us Americans, especially with gas prices the way that they are. We had a fun camping trip this past weekend and Cody got bit by a bear. No lie. It was a trip. That sounds so random. I am anxiously awaiting the start of school myself. Your school seems like it would be a good time-not too big and having the younger kids would probably make it not so intimidating. I respect your courage in doing this-I would be very discouraged not being able to understand anything. Keep up the good work and I know things will start getting easier in that regard. Stay cool.
P.S. I am only bringing my bike to college, and I got a basket for the front. I thought you would like to know I have two shields on the basket, and a make shift sheath on the side for my sword. Just in case I need to slay any dragons on the way to class.

Anonymous said...

Oh ya, that was Mitch