Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Crikey I love soccer, I mean fußball

I had soccer practice, or as they say, fußball training (a ß is a German letter equivalent to ''ss''), again last night and after not playing for over 4 months I realize how much I love it. Man that's insane that it's already been 4 1/2 months since soccer ended. I remember the last game I played was the night I went to the Rotary inbounds and outbounds houseboat party on Shasta Lake...wow it's been a long time since that too!!!Time really does fly, it's insane. Day by day things usually go normal, but when you look back everything goes super dooper fast. Anyway I am so happy to be playing and since the first day I have finally begun to get back to my potential. The first practice I didn't do so good. But that's ok...now I'm better. Ah I love it. And my coach is so funny. His name is Josef and he always says ''bye-bye'' to me, except with a funny accent. And we were doing some conditioning, running up a steep hill in pairs, so as to build quad muscles, and when I was going, he was saying ''American Power!!!'' But it sounded like ''ah-meh-ree-kahn pow-wah'' Ah it was funny. So I think that's all for now. Just wanted to say how much I love soccer.


Anonymous said...

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A Canadian blog listing the names of members of the Canadian Conservative party who are seeking to oust their leader, Stephen Harper, has caused a lot of angst for a number of party faithful claiming that they ...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Kari dear,

Your aunty is back on line!! Yeah, Uncle Paul just called me from West Africa, and talked me through what I needed to do and amazinly enough it worked!! Back on line!!! Yahoo!!
Well, all is well here.The girls don't have school till Thursday and they are doing there best to do nothing. Korinn had her first orthodontist appt. She gets braces on in 2 weeks, probably wears them for 2 years!

Your weekend adventures sounded like fun. SO..glad you have your soccer and it makes you so happy. I am totally enjoying your fathers sense of humor and the whole man/dog stuff!! Who, knew he could be so witty!!!

Korinn is cooking herself and Mel breakfast at lunch time. Fried eggs, bacon and homemade hash browns. Smells wonderful!! Little on the smoky side though, I think the bacon got over cooked!!

Anonymous said...

hey kari!

sorry i haven't written in a few days, our computer was on the fritz.

that whole german beerefest sounds pretty entertaining and fun. while we were in austin we went to a street-marketfest thing called the Pecan Street Marketfest, and there were booths with all sorts of neat stuff, and i got some pretty jewelry for myself, so that was cool. and then the next day we went 'caving' (walking a guided tour through a cave) after getting pedicures and manicures at wal-mart. so austin is a pretty cool place, i actually liked it there, even if i wanted to go home.

ok, well, i love you and keep having fun playing soccer! i mean... fussball? fusball? i dont knwo how to make the little symbol, so that will just have to do.

love mel

Anonymous said...

Help, Kari, I have been trying and trying to add something to your blog...well the comment. I am blog illiterate. I don't even know if that is spelled right. Until I get it right...I love you. Granny