Wednesday, September 28, 2005

no pictures from Suttgart

I am majorly dissappointed....all my photos from Stuttgart seemed to have dissappeared of the face of the where to be found on the computer and I dont know why or where they could have gone. I loaded itunes onto the computer and put some pictures onto my ipod and thought I had all my pictures going onto it....but no Stuttgart ones, nor any Stuttgart ones on the computer, and I deleted them already off my camera. Well hopefully I will go there again before the year is over. Thats all for now...nothing else interesting has happened except my english teacher asked me if i would want to do a presentation to the class about whatever I I figured that could include Redding, my family, my school...etc. If anyone has some interesting pictures it would be much appreciated. I think I have everything off our computers at home though, Mom, so you dont need to send any, unless there are any good new ones.


Anonymous said...

Kari, I lost your blog for awhile but found it today! Maybe there is still a chance you can find your pictures. If you do something about Redding you should get the picture of the Sundial bridge off the internet as that is something people have been coming from all over to see.
We are back in Palo Cedro.
Gotta go...miss you, love reading your blog....Granny

Anonymous said...

Hey Kari,

Darn computers. They can be wonderful and a real pain!! Hopefully you can find your photos. We totally lost all of Mel's "Simone going away party" photos.

I made enchiladas last the spirit of the family tradition. They turned out yummy. Your mom says, you say, yours wern't that good. Perhaps it is the "Gephart" brand of chili. I brought some with me from CA incase they don't have any here. Grandma Bev swore by the Gephart brand. She wouldn't use any other kind.

I sent you some photos, Mel approved!!

I had spanish class this morning. Our pool now has it's interior plastered. It is a pebblely kind of plaster, so as to give the pool a "creek" look.
It is so darn hot outside it is horrid. It is over 100 here, throw in 60% humidity and you got a nasty weather day. supposedly going to drop to 90 tomorrow!!

Wilson is squeaking at me, I think she is saying "play with me"!!!

Love you,k

Anonymous said...

HI Kari, I plan on mailing the box on Fri. so plan on getting it on next Wed. I was at work late--so I hardly have any time other than to clean up, fold laundry and water. I worked the new school snackbar and earned $35.00 for my classroom book acct.

I wish I could say something exciting has happened. But life is sooo boring with you and Blaine gone--the empty nest is very quiet. Not only is there little excitement the refer/freezer food stores are slowing being depleted. Hardly anything in the freezer. Who wants to cook?? Not me! I really want tollhouse cookie dough but I haven't had time to make it.

The big excitement is the dogs. I say to pop, "Hey look at Zoe, isn't she cute?" Then Ozzy jumps up and does her rub-n-howl. The coyotes came in close last night--scared the daylights out of me. Ozzy tried to get out and give them hell. They would have gobbled her up--the little black appetizer!

Did you get Lacey Callahan's note. She was excited to write you. Her mom was in today and asking all about you. She is so excited for you. She might drop you a line. Better go--papers to grade.... I love you,

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Boreing my ass! It's falconry season, Dargo's snagging rabbits left and right, the salmon are bitting on both the Sacramento AND Trinity rivers. What more could you ask?! It's her own fault she spends all her time at the school.

Too bad about your pictures Kari. At least you have a decent camera though. I need to get a new one to replace this 0.3mp jobby I've got. Pretty cheezy.

Speaking of cheezy...where are all your friends? Come on you blog slack draggers, quit sandbagging, sit your lazy ass up in that chair you're slouching in and get your hand off that mouse and start typing. Come on...I know you're reading you little weazles. Just cause a bunch of old farts and family members tend to dominate this comment section, doesn't mean YOU can't post as well. Don't worry, I won't read what you type...I promise. So feel free to write WHATEVER YOU WANT. Let's see...should I start naming and picking on the guilty sandbaggers? Humm.... maybe I'll give you a little time before I inbareass Kari publicly. Ok, ok...I can't spell. So make flaming me your first topic. I dare you!

Love you Kari
Hope this tactic works. If it doesn't, I'll have to start hiring hit men or. Anything for my little girl.
Love Pop

Anonymous said...

I'll be the hit man! Oh pop when you get a new cool digital camera I want your old cheesy one.. Im always wanting a camera here but never have one. Hi kari my life has been pretty boring lately.. this weekend was fun I went on a houseboat with Sherries Family and did wakeboarding and air chair and fished a little bit. But other than that Ive just been studying and going to school.. and trying to get a job. I went surfing the other day and got a few good rides and watched a humboldt hippie surfer argue with another guy and started preaching to this other guy about weird stuff the non hippie got sick of it and paddled 100 yards down the beach he looked like he was ready to kill the hippie. Then as I was thinking about leaving joel appeared out of nowhere so i surfed with him for a bit and caught 1 really sweet ride and rode it forever... Im getting wayyyy better at surfing finally now. When I first got here I sucked. Theres a big swell coming up out of alaska that should hit Friday so Im way happy about that its really my only intertainment besides fishing and geocaching.. but I dont want to waste gas to drive to the jetty to lose jigs and bring home no fish since my freezer is packed unlinke moms. And geocaching is a lot of gas money too unless I want to ride my bike for 10 miles to the nearest geocache since Ive found all the ones around me which isnt that many. But then I dont want to ride my bike because it sucks!!!!! Its the biggest piece of junk ever!!!! I hate it!!!!! I was riding up this 3 % grade at school (I wont get into to much detail about the degrees of the rode grade, dont wanna sound like kyle Id have to get my protractor and tape measure out and use Avagordo's code to figure out the mathmatical equation) ANyways riding up the hill and then my gears slipped and my knee shot forwards into the stinking handlebars and I fell over in the middle of the rode and cars had to stop for me then I pushed my bike the rest of the way to class because I couldnt peddle up any more hills it hurt to much. Thats the one thing that really sucks about HSU is all the stinkin hills and stairs they are neverending. Speakign of hills HSU has a huge rockwall its probably 150 ft wide and then 40 ft tall I need to go check it out... but its at the top of campus I dont ever feel like walking up there. Grrrrr Rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Kari, I am mailing pkg today--how many kids in your english class--I will send enough Reese's for you to give everyone a candy. Anything else? email me by 2:30 PST.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Blaine, are you sure you didn't mean "30" % grade? Cause 3% is hardly any slope at all. Whereas 30% is 30 feet rise or fall in 100feet horizontal distance...pretty steep.


Anonymous said...

Kari, someone is right in telling you that every day is not going to be mind boggling, infact lots and lots of days can be down right mundane!!! But that is ok. We can all make our own "fiesta"!!! Some days I just hope for the mundane... Just take things as they come. The Lord can help us thru every thing...just remember He is in control. I know that for a fact or I wouldn't be here!!!
Trying to get my sister to read your blog but she has to depend on Dick to get her on line...He guards the internet by having to put his pass word in each time he enters... Gosh...why worry...I can not believe someone wants to be in that much control.
I am totallllllllly enjoying having 81 degree at 10 am here as to 81 at 4 pm in Westport. I actually SWEAT, yes SWEAT in no un lady like terms. I love it!!!
Hey we were doing our daily walk at 6 pn when Mr Benjamin came out not just the first time but now every time we walk. He has a son and daughter in law who went on a church mission to Germany about 5 years ago. They absolutely love it and do not plan on coming back to US/ I will try to find out where they zre.
Love and blessings to you.
hey the excitment of the day. We watched Abby get a mouse and eat the WHOLE thing!!!
Love ya granny

Anonymous said...

I havn't posted a comment in a long time but I have been reading your blog daily and I always tell people about you. I am having the time of my life in Santa Barbara. Also, I got your postcard yesterday and I was so excited. Thanks so much for taking the time. It seems like you are starting to come into your own-I am proud. I started an intramural indoor soccer team here which should be fun and plan on initiating many other activities such as skateboard jousting down my hall. I will try to get some pictures of my bike so that I can send them to you-the other night I rode to a soccer game with my sword in the sheath and I won't lie I recieved many strange looks. It is all good though. Never know when you may need to slay a goblin prince. So far my classes have been good-I have the advantage of learning in my own language although I am finding the reading somewhat overwhelming. Some of it might as well be in German. Anyways I don't want to take up your entire blog but thanks very much for the postcard and I am thinking about you and your adventure. Good luck and take care. Much love,
Mitchell Flexo

Anonymous said...

Hey Kari,

How are you? I got back from Italy a couple of weeks ago. I slept almost standing up the first week every chance I got. I was so tired from the trip and the flight home. 21 hours of flights and delays!! UGH!!! I had a blast though. Europe (Italy) is so beautiful. I especially loved Florence. The first few days were hard to get used to (like figuring out the bus, subway, train) but after that I fell in love with Europe. I just soaked it all up. I met all kinds of great people. A cute Englishman too. I have been e-mailing him haha. I miss you so much. It is so great to read all of your stories. Hey your hair doesn't look bad. You're just probably not used to it. If I could figure out how to send pics I would. Maybe Tori knows how. I will ask her. We are all thinging about you. Have lots of fun and learn lots over there. Well Tori needs the computer. Got to go.
Love, Michele

Anonymous said...

oh sorry that was Michele Hughes