Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Frosty der Deutscher Schneeman von Niedergebisbach

Er war von Kari gemacht.


Anonymous said...

gha, so frickin cute! little snow kari...

hey! did you get your birthday package from us (mom, me, korinn)??? we sent you presents!

love mel

PS you're 18! crazy!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kari Bananna
True to form...happy belated birthday! WoW...you're really 18. To think I was married at 18? Scarry eh? But don't get any ideas, as it was a mistake. I was only lucky enough to have found the ONLY woman in the world compatible with my lifestyle and shortcomings. Anyway, your combination birthday, christmas, valentines, christmas and birthday 2006 present should arrive here any day. After I test it out on a few hawking adventures, we'll mail it to you. Joking. We did however get the spare battery already.

Humm...did the maja tell you about our wonderful adventure to Christmas Valley Oregon? We might buy a really nice travel trailer on property there. I think I'm gonna quit my job and move up there pretty soon and leave your mom here to hold down the california fort.

Well anyway...too bad your not here...you could vote! Whoopee! Sounds like you are having a good time there. That was very thoughtful for Stephie (sp?)to suprise you with your own special snowman. Ozzie says snowmen are scarry. Funny though cause Zoie kinda looks like a snowman.

Love PoP

Anonymous said...

Wow Kari, that was a funny blog from Blaine--cat poop. My stomach hurt I laughed so hard. Hope your birthday was great. Couldn't have been that bad--you at least got a holiday out of it.

Joe, call me, I will will leave you a check in the house and you can bring the shirts by. I need 3 a med, lg, and ex lg.

I will leave the check on the 1/2 wall.

The mother's day chickie is getting spoiled. Poor Hester was sitting out there in the snow roosting in the oar car. I rescued her before she became a bit of frozen yard decor. Now she comes to the door to come in the house every night. She is happy to just sit on the 1/2 wall, but I keep taking her out to the barn and roosting her out there. Maybe she'll get the idea and roost her there herself.

Off to do work.. Love you,
