Photos: The front of the house this mornign, then outside my window the birhtday snowman, then me on friday also outside my window.
Well, here's the update. We have over 2 feet of snow so far, and it hasn'e let up for the last day and a half. I go to school late on Tuesday's, and I get up and look out my window and there is a happy little snow man looking at me wishing me a happy birthday, compliments of Stefanie. So after I finish getting ready, I go upstairs and Stefanie is still here because the bus never came! WOohoo. So she was going to come with me. So we go and guess what, the bus I usually take at 9 never came either. We waited for 20 minutes and then went back home. So I am staying home from school today! On my birthday...only bummer is that I think some friends at school were going to do something for me, and I'm not there. Well thats okay, it can wait until tomorrow. Hopefully I can make it tomorrow. Tonite we are going to the theatre to see Der Nussknacker performed by a Russian ballet. I am looking foward to that, I have never seen a ballet before! Let alone the Nutcracker.
Yesterday I did something sehr super cool after school. I went cross country skiing in the ''back 40'' as American's call it, the land behind the house. I havent been cross country skiing (langlaufen) since I was really little! It was a little hard because all the snow is perfect powder, but then once i got to the top of the hill, i figured I could cruise down. HAH I still had to push with the poles. Well after a few times going over the same trails I made, I could finally go somewhat fast. That was sooo nice. I am sure my trails are covered with half a foot or more of new snow though. Oh well, later I will just make it all over again. woohoo! I am just loving this snow, it is SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it, even if it causes problems. Like late or non showing buses. I dont care about that though, because then I get to stay home! And play in the snow yeahh!!! Ok that's all...oh and I head that there is snow in Redding???
Yeah, everyone is all excited bout the snow in redding. it makes me jealous :( no snow for me.
i was all nostalgic yesterday cause i thought i smelled a forest fire during eighth period, but it turns out someone just lit a fire in the boys' bathroom trashcan. darn.
love mel
Seeing the pic of you making snow angels, makes me homesick!! I miss our days at the ski park, with you girls coming into the lodge all pink cheeked and happy from having a great run!!! Your mom and I manning the tables and visiting. Ah...the memories!!
No snow here, and no humidity either!! Gotta take the good where you can get it.
We got 4 phone calls and email reporting to us all the wonderful snow in PC and BV!!
Happy Birthday!! How fun to have a snow man greet you on your special day!!
I love you and miss you tons!!
your Aunty Kathy
Happy Birthday Kari.. its your birthday today you probably th i nk i forgot but really I didnt, Ive been remebering this for the last month or so but yeai think i might be late.. i dont know if today is the 30th or the 29th anyways yeah you suck cuz you got snow all i got was a pile of cat crap stuck on the bottom of my shoe last night instead of fluffy snow. I couldnt figure out why the hamburger I was cooking last night smelled like poop, it wasnt the bathroom cuz i walked in there and sniffed and then like 20 minutes later i checked the bottom of my shoes and there was a fresh old pile. It was stinky, i almost didnt eat my taco's i was making cuz i thought the meat was bad. Hopefully in 3 weeks when i go home again it will be snowing somehwere on my trip home, and i will fish in the snow!! it will be wonderful.. anywho i better start writing me paper.
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