Nice weahter today....
So i am posting because I know if I don't my brother and father will begin to complain. But there is really nothing to say because I havent really done anything for the last week. (rather boring...this lack of a social life sucks). Saturday I went to a maketfest thing in Görwihl to sell drinks for the fussball club. That was kinda fun and then went to a big concert thing that night but it was just a huge building full of smoke, bad music, and extremely drunk young people. It was alright...but I definitely would rather be with a smaller crowd of people. Oh and we had another soccer game yesterday and lost again. And then the captain quit because she didnt like losing. lol pathetic I'd say.
On the bright side I saw one of the prettiest things I have seen since being here. This morning on the way to school, the sun was rising (since daylight savings its not dark the most of the bus ride now), and we were up on a high point looking south to a valley that was completely filled with white swirling fog nested down inside it and then sillouetted against the slightly pink organge yellow sky were the alps. IT WAS SO PRETTY. they are huge i love looking at them...had a pretty good view on the way home from schoo...but naturally when i go to take a picture the clouds moved in. gah mother nature.
Oh, and Blaine, thanks for the details about the leaves, but again, why do they fall? ANd Pop, what are you talking about with the McRib thing'? Was it cause you always thought it was a cheesy commercial or something?
My my, what beautiful blue eyes you have my dear!!!
Cool looking neckless too, that must be new?
Quiet around here too. Just got your bday box wrapped up and getting ready to head out to the post office.
We woke up to steamy humid fog this morning. Not your typical cool fall here. It was 88 yesterday!! Low was about 70.
Hope you day is wonderful!!
kari, you're so gorgeous! that's a seriously good picture. very sreiosuly. mhmm.
tell us about the boring stuff, we want to hear. anything that goes on over there gets to be interesting because it's happening in germany.
gah, i got to go to history now. but i love you!
love mel
hahah, a football player just walked by and said you were hot. i glared at him, but i'm laughing inside. heehee! silly football player. like he has a chance with a german goddess like you. nope.
love mel
No ding-dong, it was supposed to bring back a memmory. Don't you remember whan we were watching your mothers favorite show, "the Osbornes", and Jack blurted out from the back seat of the car "Whoa....McRib is back!", and we all laughed cause it was so stupid?
You must be forgetting about your family already and you've only been gone for 2 months.
BTW, thast's a pretty interesting picture you took of yourself...kinda good actually.
Big News! We caught 3 head of game last weekend. Shiela caught her FIRST cottontail and Zoie and the Ozmonster caught a jackrabbit Dargo had pinned in a field from a hoovering position. Then Dargo caught another jack on her own later in the afternoon! Pretty cool, hu?
Anyway, yes you're right, I would have complained if you didn't write in your blog...especially since it's raining and I can't go hawking. Some advise...quit wining nad keep your chin up. Something really fun will undoubtedly happen before the year is up. Besides, you knew life was going to change the day you left home...right?
Love you Karibananna
Oh yea, one more thing...
I never had a social life.
Your picture reminds me of a turtle I once caught... Speaking of catching things this weekend me caught a big ole trout! And Aaron did too... then a huge one snapppered ne fly off my hook. It was a monster trout at first I thought it was a salmono but when it rolled I saw its side.. I cant wait to go again.
Kari, First of all...life is not always a bowl of cherries so buck up and just face the facts. Just live each day as it comes and don't think you have to make everyone think just cause you are somewhere else that some...big ole miracle is going to be happening for a whole year!!! Life is what you make it! Be thankful for each day, the people you can smile at and make their day, good health, a family and many friends that love you and one God who cares enough about you that He let his son die on the cross for your sins..my sins...everyone who acknowledges him...their sins. Just keep smiling!
You are doing a good job! Just take each day as it comes. Everyone loves you here. Just tonight for some reason..oh yeh...lack of space to put another album...I was looking thru picture albums of you!!! WHAT A WAIF!!!! I can not believe how you look...all dressed up in the fanciest thingss you can find. Hey that makes me think... no wonder you think life should always be a high!!! You always have made it that well just keep it up!~ You can make life what you want it to be. Maybe in the lulls the Lord just wants you to rest!
As thanksgiving comes, do they celebrate it over there? Probably not as why do they care that America was founded.
Hey how about cooking them a traditional American turkey dinner.. AND!!! you can even say grace!!!!
Guess as Aunt Cathy is sending your birthday gift I better do that too.
hey love you lots Granny
Hello Kari,
Before I start ill let you know this is Chris Conklin ((kid with the funny laugh)(HUH HUH)). Well this is the first time i have seen your blog and it looks to me that your having a pretty go0od time. Hope your seeing a bunch of cool stuff in Germ. Your hair looks outstanding, nothing like a blue eyed blonde in Germ. The Frontierman club is doing good we ordered 30 more shirts. We made the playoffs and we are gonna win the whole thing section champs!!! I got a weighted 3.8 Gpa at quarter. I talked to Coach VAl about wrestling today at lunch, and I thought he would be excited aobut me wanting to wrestle, but he took it exactly oppisite and made me feel like a scum bag, But ill probably still wrestle. Um i bet its hard to learn things in German but your smart so i believe you. I have a myspace thing i dont know the web address but my email address is Chris7244@hotmail.com you should be able to search myspace with my email thing and find my account. Best of wishes to you, good luck Ace
Hey Kari...how things over in Germany?...this would be the first time i've left a comment...i'll have to do it more often...saw your hair....do blondes really have more fun?...saw some of the pictures you took...i thought they were pretty good...they looked professional to me...like chris said frontiersmen club is doin pretty well...i now have a significant other and her name would be whitney cole...just thought id let you know...well i'll keep mine short and sweet hope things are well and may the Force be with you
Ciao Ryan
kyle isn't here but im sure he sends his regards as well
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