Photos from top to bottom: Inside the Cathedral in St. Blasien, the Münster in Ulm, the inside of the Münster, some pretty architecture along the Danube, some leaves on a stone wall with the Danube in the background, and a park area with pretty trees. I hope the order is correct.
And now Blaine, you must feel very proud because you made it into my title, my poor (literally), lonesome, University brother. I take it you are having much fun reading my blog and miss my conversationg...ah my oldest brother misses me...how sweet!!! And I hadn't posted because I wasn't at home. I was in Ulm for the weekend staying with some other exchange students. Ulm is quite a big city (comparison to Bad Säckingen: In Säckingen at the train station there are two lanes...one going east and the other west. In Ulm there are 8 or 10...I hope that makes sense. hehhe). Anyway Friday morning I met with the director of the private school. All went very well and Carola said I spoke very good German, almost no grammatical errors. He said he had a good impression of me, and I am pretty sure I would be going except I probably won't be because it costs €95 a month...which after the year is finished it will be over $1000. Und das ist ein bisschen zu viel für mich zahlen. (too much) On the other hand the school was absolutely gorgeous...the entire inside is all white and marble floors and there are big pillars everywhere and spiral staircases and the church dome was really something to stare at. Wow. And St. Blasien, the town it's in...is down right really really really beautiful. Especially in the fall because the fall here is like nothing I've ever seen before...All the trees are turning colors...Except the pines of course...but the others are all mingled in between and their leaves are orange and yellow and red and pink...its SO PRETTY. I seriously just can't get enough of it. In Redding all you see is a bunch of dead looking oak leaves all over the ground. Here the edges of the roads and trails along the forest are leaves inches deep, and full of color. So anyway...picturesque town right in the Schwarzwald. Well Niedergebisbach is too, but this is even more in it.
Ulm was fun...I visited and climbed the Münster church in Ulm...The began building it in 1377 and finished in 1890 and it has the WORLDS tallest spire at 525 feet. And I went to the top, nearly...well as high as humans can go. Had to take a few breaks because the stairs are narrow and sprial up the entire way and a kinda steep. It was pretty awesome though. It was very foggy when we began...couldnt even see a third of the way up and then by the time we got to the top the fog was cleared enough so that we could see the ground, but all was white around us. By the time we got the bottom it was all blue skies...very cool. The church is so amazing on the inside too...an extremely old gothic cathedral, and we (me, Odin (Canada), Morgan (France), Jordan (Michegan), and Brent (Oklahoma)), stayed for an organ concert played on the montrous pipe organ. It was awesome, whoever was playing played one other most famous organ pieces ever...I dont know what it is called, but if you heard it, you would know. Brent knew because he plays the organ (and was at the moment of the concert pretending he was playing..since he knew all the notes and whatnot. very very amusing). The inside is huge though. The ceilings are super tall and all the architecture is amazing. Look it up on google...it will make more sense.
Then we walked through the city center and down the cobblestone streets (which are everywhere here) and into an older part of the city right on the Danube. Most of the buildings have been built since WWII since something like 80% of the city was destoyed (but not the Münster....talk about strategic bombing...everything around it was hit). It was so pretty and the weather was perfect. Perfecto day. That evening we went to a get together party for a kid who just got back from exchange. Saw two of the other exchange students in Ulm so that was fun. And then Sunday the weather was a little dreary so we went to this huge swimming complex thing where they have indoor slides and pools and saunas and whatnot. Afterward we had to get to the theatre and ended up running half the way there through Neu Ulm (Ulm's sister city on the other side of the Danube in Bavaria) because we missed our bus. Oh that was fun lol. Saw an opera at the theatre and Rotary bought our tickets! Didnt understand a darn thing as the opera was in Italian and the subtitles in German and it was very very strange. Came home the next day but I gotta say that the bus and train systems in Europe are the coolest thing ever. Especially in a bigger city because they come so often and they are so easy to use. Really am lovin it.
Finished making a pair of pants today and had a soccer game and got my foot and ankle stepped on. And we lost. And that's all for now.
Welcome back Miss Kari,
Your weekend sounds incredible!! While you were traveling Germany, I went down memory lane.
Mandy, me, Mel and Kor went to a all day rock concert called "Arrowfest" classic rock of the 80's. The bands that played were "Kansas, Fabulous Thunderbirds, Foghat, Little River Band, Atlanta Rhyuthm Section, Eddie Money, Foreigner and Styx"
Prior to the conert I couldn't remember a song from any of the groups but with each group, it was "oh, I remember that one from 8th grade, or that one from high school. Little River Band brought back lots of memories or when Uncle Paul and I first dated. We were at the concert from 10:30am till 11:30pm. I had time mixed up so we were quite early. Gates didn't open till noon. but we got a good spot on the lawn. It is a open air ampitheater, really nice. During the day, if the front row seats were empty anyone could sit in unless the ticket holder showed up.So Korinn and Mandy sat up front most of the day. Mel and I protect our grassy spot.
Texans smoke and drink beer like there is no tomorrow. The smoking was just gross, and I wasn't keen driving home with all those beer drinkers. But we survive the drive home.
All in all it was a very fun day, in spite of me moaning that it wasn't the kind of music I care then or now. I always like the B-52's better!!
Halloween was almost ruined. It rained here, and it rained hard. Mel took the post of handing out the candy (that way she could sit and read her latest novel) Since it rained so hard and for almost 2 hrs Korinns new friends almost didn't get to go out with her. One did have to cancel, and one had to go to church first. Meanwhile Korinn is totally bummed so Mandy and I took her to the coolest, scariest haunted house I have ever been it. It so so fun. And when we finished that her friend had come home from church so then they were able to do about 45 min worth of tricker treating! Whew..halloween saved!!
I ordered my thanksgiving turkey today. Are you teaching your host family about our holidays? Halloween? Are you cooking them a traditional Thanksgiving dinner? I have a great recipe for dressing, if you need one.
And..your birthday, your EIGHTEENTH birthday is coming up!!! Any wishes?? requests that I could send you???
Keep up the newsy post!!
love you
Halloween was ruined here also...
1 You were'nt here to make my Max costume.
2 I spent most of the time at the party worrying about my inadequate costume and not my over drinking. 3 Mom got a free car wash.
You figure it out.
Love Pop
I guess you are right Kari that I do miss your comments.... I dont really hang out with anyone here in town since most people are stoners... Im at school most of the time anyhow and if Im not there Im sitting here studying, or surfing the ocean blue.. except winter is coming so the waves are getting to big on some of the days so I cant go out... thursday they are suppost to be 20ft.. so that sucks cuz I cant go out.. I dont have the strength or endurance to paddle out in that... of course there is the rip tide I could use to my advantage... nah Id rather dream about fishing than be thrashed around. I went steelhead fishing on saterday and now I am obsessed with it.. but I have a delema I need a new fishing pole. yes another one to add to my collecting.. I need an eight weight fly rod but they all cost like $200.00 so that kinda stinks hopefully I get a job soon then I can think about buying one. Oh yeah this is why all the leaves are changing color Each year as fall turns to winter, the leaves on trees begin to slowly change from green to shades of brown and red. Why do the leaves undergo this change? The leaves are finding a way to protect themselves from the high light intensity and low temperature. One way is the anthocyanins are used for a sunscreen to protect plants from photoinhibition (which occurs when temperatures get low and light intensity gets high.) Another function is to anthocyanins act as antioxidants which protect the plant from receiving permanent damage.
Taylor Field a teacher from University of Toronto, and Kevin S. Gould author of Why Leave Turn Red performed a study where they used 2 leaves; 1 green one and one red, and then they would expose each side of the leaf 1st to bright light, and then once again too bright light but this time with a combined low temperature. They found that when the upper surface (fig 1) of the leaf was exposed to high light the red leaf containing anthocyanins suffered less and recovered faster than the green leaf. Performing the experiment again with combined high light and low temperatures, the protection of the leaf surface was even greater. When the lower surface of the leaf was exposed to the light, no protection was noticed. Through these experiments it was realized that the red pigment in the leaves is protecting them from the intense light.
Additionally, as a result of intense sunlight the leaves will develop a lot of increased production of reactive oxygen species and free radicals, which are molecules with unpaired electrons. When there are lots of unpaired electrons it makes the free radicals unstable, and if there are too many free radicals, the natural antioxidants can’t take care of them so the molecules will begin to destroy cell membranes, protein, and DNA which increases the chance of cells dying. In summary, leaves with anthocyanins which absorb the green light wavelengths and keep them from hitting the photosynthetic tissues, will retain them in the vacuoles which will let out the energy as heat.
So the anthocyanins help many plants survive through the harsh winter months which bring intense sunlight combined with low temperatures.
Theres some education for ya since your not understanding german well enough... Maybe each day I could give you the science update..
Sounds like a great weekend. You are exploring the cities while the Frontiersmen are doing the opposite. We hiked in 5 miles and when we got there, there was snow on the ground and the wood was too wet to make any sort of good fire, and it was freezing, in other words it was a great time, wish you coulda been there. was it the dracula scary organ song? That one is pretty cool. Ok I have to work on my research paper "Ethanol as an alternative fuel" chris and I are gonna be rollin in the dough once our fuel production starts, and everyone decides to forget about gasoline and realize the superiority of alcohol. Seems like I remember reading in your car's owners manual that it can run on alcohol. Maybe the first research vehicle? wouldnt you be proud if your car could be part of my senior project? that would for sure be cooler than a lawn mower.
I think Joe ought to forget about ethanol and write a paper on anthocyanins...it appears most of it was written Blaine's Blog. Aren't you proud of brother Blaine? Wow he is really turning into a great student. Seriously. His brain, now fully formed is absorbing all sorts of information...I guess it just took a while for the anthocyanins to wear off. Maybe they were screening his brain from antioxidents and which cause permanent damage.
At any rate Blaine is doing super in school and he would make YOU proud, KAri. I think he studies like you did when you were here. Kyle is no slacker either--he got 92% on his calculus test. I think he was excited about that.
The neighbors are moving--Keller's are going to North Carolina and Clete and Lisa are moving to Seattle area. Oh boy! What will Hank do--his other family will be gone.
The snappers are a fine. Last night I had to toss Ozzy--she and Zoe both culed up side by side between me and pop and about pushed us out of bed. She usually sleeps in our closet now on her pillow, but since it is cold she likes to be covered up with my fleece sweatshirt.
Weather is changing here too. Our front yard trees have about 100 leaves left that didn't fall out due to water deprivation. They are changing to oranges and reds. We are supposed to get some rain in the next day or two.
Oh, and this is for Joe--another parent asked me if I could pull strings and appropriate one of this high demand t-shirts. Man, everyone wants one. So, could I get and extra large too.
Better go home and cook some dinner.. Love you
Wow, Blainers...you have explained why the leaves here on trees are just ever so barely starting to turn. Not quite cool enough!! I don't think fall really exsist here. I remember my falls in Redmond, it rained leaves there. But I can't have everything here. At least the temps are lovely.
Oh, Joe, did you see the Simpsons tonight?? Bart had his own t-shirt shop going...till the evil marketer got him. Be careful of marketers!! I think the t-shirt is a cool project..happy sales!!!!
How was your day Missy Kari. I went birthday shopping for you and I know I did well...when Mel wants it!!!! I scored!!!
adios mi familia
If anthocyanins act as antioxidants which protect the plant from receiving permanent damage, why do leaves eventually fall?
You supply me with cheap alcohol, I'll burn it in Kari's car. When do I pay you for the shirts?
I love your use of the leaves in the foreground, but still having subjects (although unfocused) in the background.
What's next on your tour...Tool and System of a Down? What a rocker! Paul's gonna have to tie you down.
We havent had the second set of shirts made yet, were tryin to get a better idea of how many and what sizes to order. I'll let you know once they are done though.
Bit of wisdom.........supply and demand. The demand is high----NOW! So, capitalize on the moment--Xmas is 'round the corner--there is money to be made. Just don't tell the school.
What is your address--I will send a check...Michelle
hey there kar bear
i already sent you an email, and i'm gonna send you another one, but your pictures on here are GORGEOUS. eap. the ones with the leaves.... sigh. mom may not mind the leaves not turning and falling, but i miss it :( the trees look exactly the way they did in July - lame. no change. boooring.
i think i'll write you another email in communication grpahics today, if i can get away with it. that's where i wrote the last one. that class is great. i suck at developing film, but i'm pretty good with photoshop, so it makes up for it. mostly.
ok, well, i got to go to english now.
love love love
PS i want to take your birthday present from my mom and keep it. so it's good. you'll like it.
Hello All,
Today is perfect, sunny, perfect 80, slight breeze and I am sitting by the pool listening to my waterfalls. Closing my eyes and thinking of Madrone!!!! It is the good life today.
Troy, you flatter me...me a rocker!!! yahoo..rock on...groovy baby!!
Kari-what kind of memory does your camera use. How are you on memory????
Back to my Madrone fantasy!!!! and studying my spanish as well, have to have a touch of reality in there!!!
Hugs all!! xxoo
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