That's right everyone! The above mentioned and photographed young lady and precious cousin of mine will also be embarking on the ''Year of HER Life,'' some time next sommer. She, like her cousin (me, muhauha), was also attacked by the travel bug, stung by the foreign-obsession bee, bit by the ''enthusiastic-outgoing'' gopher (haha bit by a gopher..Mel and Korinn you should know what I am talking about, remember at the fair??), and so decided, ''Hey! I wanna be an exchange student!! And learn another language! And make foreign friends! And experience another country, new culture, different customs and everything else that goes along with it!'' SO she applied to Rotary International Youth Exchang in Houston, Texas. This past weekend she dazzled the host Rotarians with her intriguing (sp?) sense of humor and intelligence and bright blue eyes. How could they say no?? She also partaked in the making of a human pyramid with not only Americans, but other members of this world (i.e. exchange student inbounds in Houston), and confused some random University students with her craziness. So everyone raise their glasses and give a HIP HIP HOORAY!!! to my fantastic cousin Melanie...who will be traveling to hopefully (in order of choice) Brasil, Turkey, or Japan next year!!!
i love you too!
i'm in my communication graphics class and i just thought i'd check up on my fabulouso cousin, and look what i find. nice choice of pictures. i was going to wear that necklace today but i couldn't find it.
you're so sweet, i'm all smily now. you're the first person to have an appropiate response. everyone else i've told is just like "exchange student? oh, thats pretty cool, i guess." and i just sit there and try to pretend it's just pretty cool and not the MOST FRICKIN EXCITING THING IN MY LIFE! i wish you were here so i could squeal all over you, but i guess i'll just have to do it all over the internet.
ok, i have to design on cereal box on photoshop now, so i need to go take a picture of the cereal i brought to school.
i love you! you're the only one who seems to get how amazingly cool and EXCITING this is.
love love love!
Oh, Sweet Kari!!
You really made Melly's day!! She is so happy someone understands her excitment!!! I do, but mom's don't count, but way cool cousins do!!
Sounds like your traveling and seeing stuff is starting. Skiing in the alps, trips to here and there!! So way cool!!!
And dreaming in german...I am still jealous of that one!!!
Love you sweet Kari-bear!!
Travel Bugs come from Geo caches..... just my 2 cents.. therefore you both got the urge to travel after visiting a geocahce? I think not liars!!
Kari and who ever else reads this...This is just a real kick to see what not only you write Kari but what people right back!!!! I just crack up!!!...Wait does "crack up" date me??? Well after all I am just Granny!
Anyway I have no clue what Melanies e mail address is so I have to write to her thru this BLOG! I am excited for you!!!! By the time I was 17 I had only traveled from Oakdale to Berkeley...Maybe a 3 or 4 hour drive. To go get school clothes in Modesto...from Oakdale each fall it was a major trip yet ony 20 miles!!! The biggest excitment in my life I think was climbing out the window after I was already home(on time) to continue the evening with friends. Oh, another excitment was having a boy friend that my parents did not approve of!! That can be interesting.
Going off to some other country never entered my thoughts! Actually still doesn't which by the way Kari means that we probably will not be headed your way. Heck, I haven't even been 3o miles east or west off I-5!!!! I have not yet seen Hearst Castle,but I have seen the Getty! I have not seen the Redwoods but I do know where the biggest dogwood tree in REdding is. I also know where the best soil is in Redding and if I would have known that 30 years ago we certainly wouldn't have been here in Palo Cedro on this hill.
But you know what kids!!! I am blessed! I have a loving family...well I think they are..at least they put up with me and that makes me happy too! And I know someone other than me is in charge and looking after all of us!!! And we celebrate His birthday soon! Hey to all of you...Merry Christmas!! Granny
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