Ive been here two months. How cool is that?!! Here's some pictures.... theres a shot taken looking straight up to the top of the Münster before the fog cleared out. ANd another leaf picture. ANd Pop, it is suppose to be unfocussed in the background...so that the focus is on the leaf in the foreground. And yes, thats my car...MY FERRARI: thats the only one ive ever seen in my life and there was a bunch of crazy controls on the inside it was crazy! I think the owner saw me taking pictures of it. But I wasnt the only one...one my my friends and then some other random person also. It was funny. hehehehe
Hi Kari,
You have expensive taste in cars and very fast ones!! that is a big step up from you regular auto!!!
I am avoiding vacuuming...ick!! Nothing really to say.
You need to answer mis preguntas: 1. are you fixing a traditional thanksgiving dinner for your family??
Did they know about Halloween??
I have ordered my turkey. Do they have fresh turkey's over there??
adios mi sobrina
Kari, guess what?!
Were the leave out of focus by artistic design, or simply because you you know nothing about the features on your camera such as the aperature setting or f-stop, which controls depth of focus?
Ferrari eh? Aunt Jill used to work for a doctor who had a lotus. It looked sort of like that ferrari but yellow. The guy had a krazy girlfriend (there were pictures of her naked on their wall)who loved animals. She loved her goats so much, she didn't mind them climbing on top of the lotus every morning. Pretty wierd. We used to hunt her ferral rabbits with our pellet gun on occasion.
And Blaine, you have not yet answered my previous question about why the leaves do eventually fall?
Can you believe Kyle has changed his mind again about buying a truck.
Ahhh...the event of the day...Shelia the rabbinator caught her first cottontail! Of course I'm currently floating on air.
Oh Yeah! DiD you hear?!
love pop
hi hi kari
cool car. looks spiffy and such. i like the meuntster picture though, with the fog. i should send you some of them pictures i'm taking in communication grpaphics... on second thought, i probably shouldn't. they're actually pretty boring and not very well done.
i'm going to the library wiht cassie in like five minutes. i'm going to work on my history notecards - i have to have 133 of them finished by the end of the senester. so far i've finished 9. i'm hoping to finish 30 by monday though.
i gought your birthday present today! you'd better like it. i think youo will thoguh.
ok, gotta go. i love yoiu! keep having ablast in germany!
love mel
Troy...are going gangsta...McCrib....what is that?? Is that the strange McRib sandwich McDonalds or is it slang for your housing??? We are just confused here!!
Kari, we thought of you today, we went thrift shop hunting and scored some deals.
85 today, still using the air conditioning!!!
Thats all for today!!!
love you
ok...so i can't spell.
hey kar!! i randomely felt like reading your blog.. and blaine always tells me to comment so yah.. that's so awesome all the stuff you get to do. your a lucky girl!!joes club is crazy popular.. a ton of kids at foothill have frontiersmen t-shirts.. including me...
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