Mom, I will post another time about interesting comparisons of Germany to the USA. Right now I am just going to post some pictures of yesterday. Hiking in Switzerland with some friends from school. It was sooo cold, but sooo pretty. So the pics from top to bottom: from left to right, Matthias, Andi (they were both on exchange in USA two years ago), me, Julia, and Ben. I had my camera on timer so then i had to run back to make it in time and kinda tripped, so I am leaning back. it was funny heheh. next, pretty view of the apls, then LOOK AT THAT CAR POP!!! Remember me saying you should paint my car zebra stripe??!!! How cool is that??? It was hand done with cheap paint too!! And then there are some more good views....
bonjour ma cousine
bahaha! i'm a senior! ok.. i know it shouldn't be that exciting, but it is. i get to graduate! cap gown and the whole shebang!
not to mention now i feel all smart and smug and superior in my classes, full of little juniors.. hahaha. luckily, since i don't talk to anyone much in my classes, i don't have to worry about bragging to much. heehee.
seeing pictures of you on the alps makes me want to go back to yosemite. in fact, a lot of things make me want to go back to yosemite. that had to be one of the best weeks in my life. maybe the best.
alan wylie(my rotary youth exchange officer) sent me pictures of a houston kid in brazil. they're pictures of them river rafting through the jungle. i don't know if they were on the amazon or what, but it looks like so much freaking fun!
ok, i got to go. thought i'd be the first crazy relation of yours to post a comment.
love mel
Hey Kiki I went surfing yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks (Ive been kinda sick and didnt wanna get sicker by getting in a freezing ocean) so I went yesterday and the waves were pretty good sized and there was like a 50 year old lady out there surfing I was shocked it was funny. Anywho thats my excitement for the time being. Im off to pedal myself to school and its freezing outside today its gonna suck!
Hey Kar-bear!!! (since we are into nicknames today)
I am so excited for Mel, isn't that the coolest...a big bad SENIOR in January. And to be able to graduate with all the goodies. It is too bad we didn't get the info sooner, she could have used this semester to get some of her classes done instead all at once next semester. I suspect she will be prety cranky come mid-semester, tired of all these classes!!
We went hiking Sunday at a local state park, known for it's alligators. We didn't see any alligators but saw 10 live amadillos rooting around in the weeds!! They look like bunnies in armor!! They have the cutest little ears!!
We took the dogs with us, Miss Wils went nutzo over them. We didn't dare turn her lose (even to see them curl in a ball) as we would have never gotten her back. Wilson would have been off like a rocket to who knows where. Then she would have found a real alligator and been his lunch.
I have a big spanish language event tonight. A activity of some sort in a grocery story then dinner at someone's house. Total evening in spanish. It should be really fun. 5 students and 5 native speakers!
Your photos are just incredible. I am so glad you share. I can't believe how much you have changed!! Can you feel it. You just look so much more mature and self-assured!! A grown-up!!!!
Have you gotten your box?? Did you open it or are you saving it for your bday??
hugs and love mi sobrina
tu tia
Zebra stripes eh? Interesting, but I'm afraid if I drove your car around town painted in zebra stripes, way too many young chicks would be hitting on me. I don't think that would please your mother, do you?
Love, Pop
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