Cute little cow, eh?
First off...Just want to let all of you know that left a comment on the last post...I about died reading them all. All the stories of pot smoking drunk professors on college trips to the lava beds and the coast etc. were enough to make me thouroughly laugh...more than i have in a long while. Sheesh, especially Blaino and Pop...really, thanks so much. I love to laugh. Oh, and Kyle, it was really nice to hear from you and I loved the randomness of your email...no paragraphs just this and that right after another. Wow I am still trying to recover from laughing (and i was trying to be quiet so i didn't make a scene, but it was a little difficult. The result: tears).
Ok, and the next chance I get I am taking a picture of our neighbor. I don't know his name or anything but everytime I see him I laugh, almost as much as right now. He's this old man farmer...kinda short, and has a very round stomach. He's got a bushy white beard and always has a hat on...the hat sorta reminds me of one a train conductor from back in the day would wear. And then he's always got a filthy white tshirt on, and the same blue overalls on, everyday. They are kinda a jean material, but appear that they could be thin. They are simple with hardly any pockets and thin straps, and look a wee bit small and or short. And he's always got the grumpy old farmer look on his face. Today riding the bus home I saw him up on the hill bailing hay or something of the like, and he just watched the bus as it went by as to think ''OH, damned be technology!!!'' Ironically, he has solar panels coating the south side of his roof. I have noticed quite a few people have solar power, probably 20 to 25%, which seems like a lot to me. Anyway, about the farmer...soon as I can I am snappin a picture of him and posting it on here. Y'all will really get a good laugh.
Well today i had a little situation with the bus. Make a long story short : well actually the story isn't long, I just like the phrase...anyway...the gyms for PE are close to the school, but the fields are 2 km, over a mile, north of the school. SO i go to the gym and ask the other teacher and he tells me where my class is and some kid from the class gave me a ride up there. Then I tell my teacher that i need to be back at the bus stop by school by 3:45. And he told me i could get on the bus at the stop only 200 meters from the fields and it would take me to Säckingen, and then ''up the mountain'' to Rickenbach, where Carola was going to pick me up. Well, the bus I got on arrived in SÄckingen, and then the driver says ''fertig,'' meaning finished. So the next bus didnt come for 45 minutes. So I go to a pay phone to call home, but there is no phone book and I keep forgetting to write down the phone number of the house. So i waited and get on the bus and ask some people for help. Because at Rickenbach usually 3 of the buses meet up and then you change if you need to be on another. But they don't have a list of the places each one goes to, and they all have the same number: 7328. So i have no idea how anyone knows what bus to be on, but whatever, i got home. When Manfred saw me walkin up the street, it was like, Ah she's alive!!! I felt bad, but my PE teacher told me the wrong thing. Well I guess that story was a little long.
Today was relatively uneventfull but last night I went and checked out two soccer teams. The first was ok, but I liked the second much better. The girls were more friendly and open and more talented. They are all older then me, but some I assume are close to my age. I practiced with them and coach was nice and looks like a real soccer player. He's even got the goofy frog legged thing going on...so his knees cant even touch each other. The fields here are smaller. I didnt have my cleats last night though so it was a little slippery. And i have played better, but it helps to know how the other players play, and their positions. Oh, and i have long spandex on and it they kept falling down so that made for some difficulty. It's nice thought because the field has lights! Although i like playing in the day time better, its still neato that there are lights. I can't play in games until I am 18 though...for some liability reason. That gives me 2 months. Oh well, I probably would't play that much anyway. ALthough I think I usually play a little better in the games, so that is actually not so much of a good thing. We shall see. Hmm . Practices are 7 to 8:30 Monday's and Wednesdays. Perfect...I get home earlier those days. Well I suppose that is all...BYE
Oh my Kari,
Mel is RAGING around the house like a bull in a china shop. Insisting that we can't leave, no storm is coming, it is a total waste...yayaya. Well, the reports are it could be a hurricane 4 by friday and it is recommend for me to leave by my 2 friends. both of them are leaving and say it isn't safe. Besides who wants to be here in this horrid humity without a/c. As I am sure the power will be out Friday sometime.
All being equal I would rather leave Thur or so, but when 4 million people need or want to leave, there just isn't the road space for all of us at one. So we are leaving in the morning for a 4 day trip to Austin TX. The capitol of the state, I figure we can tourist it up. I know Motel 6 is considered the icky choice but it is the tops for accepting Mel's precious pets!! The girls schools are closed for the rest of the week, you would think Mel would be happy about that!!
It is kinda exciting preparing, but work. I just worry about flooding if it is a really big hurricane. I don't want my new house flooded.
I am amazed how calm you were or seemed to be being on wrong buses etc in a foreign land. That is really cool that you figured it all out. guess you best write down the family phone number.
I will try to check email and blogs in Austin. gotta get packing.
Love and hugs xxoo
hey kari
that's awesome that yo get to be on a soccer team, even if you can't play games til your 18. i know you lovfe soccer, and i think it's a good way to get to know people and make friends.
and about this whole hurricane thing, it's really making me mad. i'm so mad that some stupid storm comes along and is completely RUINING my 3-day weekend. althouhg it is now a five day weekend because the rest of school was canceled. it's a bunch of work for what feels like no reason ata ll, not to mention i hate Motel Six and of course that's where we have to sta y. so i'm mad. i have to read the constitution this weekend for my AP US History class, and its going to be hard to read the Constitution in a motel six cause i'll be to distracted and upset.
ok now i have to gopack. GRRR! I DONT WANT TO LEAVE AND I DONT WANT NO STINKING HURRICANE> this is not fun and exciting, it's a huge pain in the butt. Pain In The Butt. capital letters to emphasize my irritatedness.
ok i love you and hope germany is better than this god-forsaken place. which i'm sure it is. it's way prettier, at least. and the cows are cuter. here the cows live in little fields behind home depot.
love mel
i'm sorry, i havew to say this. my neighbor just walked in to talk about hurricane shutters (big boards you put up over your windows) with my mom and he looks and sounds just like Mr. Bean. it's amazing. who knew?
ok, bye.
Wow Kyle really is random.. that was weird I mean he could have written half a paragraph about dogs except he mentioned something in the beginning once in the middle and then again at the end...weird. So today I found out geocaches arnt the coolest things ever they actually cause great pain. Since I found all the ones really close to mi casa I figured that I would try to find some geocaches in Redwood park behind the university ... I was tooling along on my bike under the canapy of the giants trying to get satellite signal but it wasnt working very well so I got off my bike to hold my gps high and started walking up this steep hill covered in wet ground, ferns, fallen logs, etc. I was getting tired of walking around and gave up on trying to get signal so I started heading back down the mountain stelth mode style hopping from place to place as a deer then at one point in my travels I leaped to this one log about 6 ft away. Once I was in the air concentrating on where my foot was going to land I noticed an obstical.....there was something in the way.. something slippery... but it was the only chance I had at landing this jump.. So after I had my .1935 sec to contemplate my thoughts in the air I set foot down on the 6 inch slimey banana slug and sliped with style landing on a 70 degee incline with my right but cheek hitting first on a large Redwood root and then slid down the mud flow back onto the trail...So now I walk around with a sore butt and elbow all day. Its bruised pretty bad and my elbow was swollen up and turned green. So I decided that those geocaches can sit there and not be found.... Ohhh and guess what a miracle happened I got an 81 % on my botany test that was crazy!!!
peace out
I don't know about the cows looking cuter over there, but they sure do look tastier....but hey..he looks like a little babae cow. Come on little wee babae cow...get..in..my.. belly! Arggg. I'll get you yet little wee cowski!Yea yea...I know a little forien talk too ya know. I got a Bin Spanish...the first quarter at least.
Too bad bout the evac. Maybe it'll clean your room though..couldn't hurt eh? (I've seen your room missy)And to have it done for you while you're on a 5 day vacation! You lucky vixen!
Ahhh Kari...if you only knew the rest of the story. The Lava Beds...I could go on and on, but your mother has forbidden me from publishing such rott. I'll give you some hints just the same. It has to do with a friend, a girl (who's name I forgot cause she's not a nice girl and not nice girls get their names forgotten real easy), a rainstorm, a pair of boots poking out a fallen down wet tent and the buttox of said friend scantily clad with aformentioned wet tent, exposed for all the world to see. Quite interesting really for an 18 year old from the tiny town of Palo Cedro (used to be only 1050 population). You put it together. But wait...there's more! Alcohol, controlled substances, varmit calls, park rangers,a huge pile of salad and burned chicken, and on and on and on. Oh yeah, I forgot about almost rolling the teachers truck on interstate 5...the nearest I've ever come to death by un-natural causes(almost falling off cliffs don't count).
All right, alright...back to you...the world does revolve around you doesn't it? (joke...I love you) I'm glad I'm making you laugh...that's important. Hummm...I hear humor is a sign if insecurity. Do you think I'm insecure??? Oh yea..back to you. Be careful snapping shot's of the neighbor dude. You don't want to appear snoopy or anything. Maybe you could introduce yourself and tell him you're designing a new fashion line after his attire and would like to know if he'd mind you snapping some photos? Sounds much more appropriate. You know, he's probably not that grouchy. Come to think of it..I always stop what I'm doing and stare down passing vehicles on our raod, and I'm not that bad...am I? If you're too chicken for that, find a knot hole in the fence and poke the camera lens through that. But make sure no one sees you from behind!
I think that's pretty cool about the solar stuff. I wonder if that's just a local thing or if the whole country use's a lot of solar. Do Manferd Man and Craola have solar panels? I'd be interested in what kind of sustem they have...assuming they know any of the technical aspects of the system.
Humm, you are pretty brave finding your way home and all on the bus. Bet you had your famile a bit scared. You really need to WRITE DOWN THEIR PHONE NUMBER! You also need to KEEP IT WITH YOU! Kind of like the KEYS TO YOUR CAR! Get it? Maybe Manfred has a business card you could keep?
Oh yeah...Dargo caught 2 voles today and chased a bunch of quail, narrowly missing 2 of them. Unfortunately, he swallowed one of the voles, so I had a hardtime getting him back to the truck at the end of the hunt.
Oh well. I gotta go...I've digested my crab abd oyster dinner and have to build me a dish of icecream now.
Love you Kikibone
Yeah Im all out of humor too... Aaron has no email.. well he does but he hasnt checked it for a year. I dont even know if he knows how... If you look at the cow and dont concentrate "his" left ear tag looks like a hole all the way through his body.. I thought it was a trick picture til I looked harder.
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