Awesome pics, eh??? I'm proud of the sun on...i just wish more rays were peeping through... and it was more centered. Oh well. I rode a horse today!! And it was fun!!! I have only ridden maybe 3 to 5 horses in my life. The last time was in Finland. Anyway today Stefanie and I took the horses out so they wont get fat...that is what Carola was afraid of. I didnt really know what to do, so first Stef just showed me the ways of doing things and whatnot and then we took them out of the pen and up the street and into the forest and came out in a field overlooking Herrishried at the top of the ski lift. Really nice weather too...about 70 outside and clear. Ah perfekt. Was a wee bit chilly in the trees though as there is pretty much no light that comes through. We were out for about an hour and a half, and are going again Sunday, but I want to do more trotting with them rather than walking most of the time.
Carola and Stefanie and I also went to Carola's parents' house today and had lunch. They were very nice, but didn't speak anything but German so I was thinkin hard when being spoke to. The food was good (big raviolis and this tomatoe sauce she made that was really really good). Oh and then we took a detour to Switzerland to go to the grocery store. Hah that sounds funny. They apparently have better coffee there and the schokolade (chocolate) is really good. Carola said the Swiss talk thicker, i guess than Germans...like they throw more ''schtchsch'' into everything.
Tomorrow morning I am making an American breakfast!!! Fried eggs and bacon and toast. And I lucked out, Mom, the sour dough bread you sent me is all for me! They don't like it!!!! I haven't had an egg for 3 weeks. And for anyone that knows...i love eggs...from my head down to my toes. ANd seriously eat them for breakfast whenever I have time...or dont have time. And then Sunday for lunch I am makin enchiladas!!! YUm. Oh and I made a chocolate layer cake today for Carola for this thing she is having...some sort of party for her choir kids...she teachers choir to little kids and piano and then plays the organ in several churches. Musical lady!
Tomorrow off to Stuttgart so I better go to bed. Gotta have breakfast ready at 8am. But then I can sleep on the train. mmm sleep i love sleep. Oh and I am probably going to be taking a German language course...just means I am booked monday night through thursday. Oh well...cant be harder than soccer fives days after school along with school, working on weekends, a German college class 2 nights a week and my cougar challenge. I'll be fine. Well better go!
Great blog, I hope you keep this one up, I've seen too many of my favorite blogs die out.
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Hi Kar,
Well, we are now watching the hurricane come ashore on tv. Our future is in mother natures hands now. It is like watching a movie and not knowing how it will end. Our motel 6 is very full of evacuees. Lots of people out walking the dogs around the motel, just like us!! It is clear and warm here in Austin but the TV is showing Galveston and surrounds with wind and rain.
We got out and explored Austin today. Mel and Korinn really like the downtown area. It is hilly, the University of Texas is there, so it is a real college atomsphere. Lots of trendy and wacky shops. This town is crazy about the Univ. even the street signs near the campus are the school color, orange and have the school mascot logo, the longhorn on them. The longhorn symbol is everywhere, one bumper sticker on a car was "I bleed orange"!!
Mel and I are gonna try to stay up all night to watch the hurricane come ashore!!
You look great on the horse. Is riding a horse going to be one of your new activities? Enjoy your trip to the bigger town. what does your host family think of your American cooking? Are your enchs gonna be the Grandma Bev style, cooking oil and chili powder?
Enjoy your weekend darlin'. We are thinking of you!!!
Love ak
Your a real cowgirl now...should I send my boots over? Do they dress western?
Your pop is always so witty and I usually can't think straight by the time I get home from work. Sorry for my boring blogs.
Did you check out the zit blog? Do ya think those are real blogs or they send those everywhere?
We are all Hurricane news here too. Plus I talk to AK every day too. Blaine is home, Kyle too. We offered to take them out, but they said they'd rather hang at home. So our excitement will be tossing squeaky toys to the dogs. Oh, one girl in Blaine's geology class just came in from New Orleans. He said she is nice. They yakked on the modoc field trip.
I have a new box ready--anything you need? Do you want tortillas, or Juanitas? Oh, has Carolya started to appreciate your culinary creations and surprises?
We got the postcard---enjoy Stuttgart.
Love mom
So you wannabe a coww-girll-bay-bay. (Kid Rock take off)
Be careful on the horse. I fell of one in a star thissle patch as a kid. Never really had the inclination to ride since. But I guess if I grew up somewhere like Idaho or Colorado, where you could ride forever, I'd probably be a cowboy myself. Ou, I could see myself now, riding my horse through the sagebrush flats with a acipiter of some sort on my fist, hunting sage grouse or quail or rabbits or something. Or maybe just riding off into the sunset for a couple weeks, with nothing but a bed roll, a long bow and a fist full of arrows. Oh..sorry, I got carried away.
I caught 3 big salmon on the trinity river this morning. I'll put the one I kept on the smoker tomorrow. Tasty. I took a long fishermans nap when I got home...then Blaino showed up and disturbed my peace.
I'm gonna quit writing now cause your mother is looking over my shoulder, and i need to teach her a lesson...DONT LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER WHEN I'M TYPING.
Be careful.
Love Pop
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