There is meine Familie. They wanted to make sure that I mentioned that the picture is bad, but it was the only time I could get a pic of them together. Carola just came and looked and was saying something on the lines of a bad picture and not to send it, but in German. hehehe.
Anywho...ah thank goodness it's Friday and I got out at 1 today. soooo nice. Yeah and so chemistry is going to be hard. its a second or third year course. I dont have a choice in the level of classes i take, the ones i can take are only classes for 12th grades. so if someone decided not to take spanish, for example, when it was offered as a first year class in the 9th grade, then they would not ever be able to take it. and if you stop, then you cant pick up again a year later. So i can only take the classes for my grade, and since it is the 2nd highest grade, then all the classes are higher level. And in Europe they start languages and sciences younger, and continue with them each year. I wasnt able to talk to the councelor today but i left a note with the secretary. hope it will work. German and math were boring....just sat there. but the next class, history, was more eventful. I am pretty sure that the teacher was saying that we were going to be doing a big project, because the other kids were moaning and the teacher said ''poster oder powerpoint oder...'' and i got that much. the boy sitting next to me, Rene helped explain things to me about what the teacher was lecturing about (pre-french revolution). And he said he already knew my name because the kids talked about me in the other classes. hahah. well at least they know who i am! Oh, and it was quite funny, the teacher drew a picture of a guillitine on the board and a head (just a circle) falling into a bucket. Well so i guess that's all for now....better go. love kari
Great blog site!! Bookmarked it.
I have a child hospitals site/blog.
It pretty much covers child hospitals related stuff.
Come see mine if you get time.
Hi Kari,
I think it is a great photo! Your host family looks very nice. I can't believe your blog is getting spam comments. UCK!! I guess this isn't a private blog, is it!! I sent you a email, so check that too!! Oh, Korinn bought a bass guitar set-up on eBay last night! She is angleing for lessons now (there goes the sheep money) unless I take pity!!!
hugs to you from your texas family!
Kari! Haha, I thought it was hilarious about the guillotine. I started laughing in study lab, it just came out of nowhere! Love you, I'm going to start writing in my blog if you ever want to check it to see what's up. Zeal_to_honesty.blogspot.com
Love you!
Let's just hope it's not your head in the bucket at the end of the semester! I'm sure you will do just fine. Tell Carola a bad picture is better than no picture at all, besides that, the pic was fine. I'm so glad you finally posted one. Too bad you didn't have any from the Rotary meeting. That would have been interesting. I want one of you giving a presentation in front of the club at the next meeting...OK.
You'll never guess what I did this morning...caught 2 salmon! Actually 3, but let one go, and lost 3 others. Maybe hunting tomorrow.
Love Pop
that;s awesome, i love the french revolution! gah, im' sucha nerd. i like history...oh well. that's good that you have to someone explaining what's going on to you, at least in one class. for at least one day.
ok, well, i sent you an email, but i wanted to say i love seeing pictures of Germans and Germany. i like manfred's ears - they look very german.
ok - i love yoU!
love mel
Hi Kari,
I just got home. I sent you a nice box of goodies--which will blow your German apple diet!!!! Should arrive in 4-7 days airmail.
I will send the labels in the next shipment. And your ATm card. Guess what it came as...Mt. Lassen!! And it had pop's name on it! So I went in and reordered the Redwoods. Can you believe that?
So you are learning the piano?? With ease?
Is your germancoming along? Do you think that you are speaking and learning a lot more german now? I sent a spanish book along with the cliff notes chemistryt--they did not have spark notes chemistry.
How do those other blog ads get on here?
I love you and miss your conversation. Love, Mom
Mel and I just looked closer at the photo of your host family. wheres the apple? Was that broccoli? carrots? spagetti? Did you make dinner. I think your dad is the best blogger..blainers 2nd!! I didn't know blaine was such a hippy counter!! And that talent with black cats!!
Mel is gearing for her "Model UN" try-outs. I told just tell them her father ships almost 100% for the UN World Food program, that ought to get her some extra points, oh, and her cuz is in Germany, that gotta be another couple points!! Once Mel is a Model UN'er she can solve the world peace issues!!!
Miss you darlin' xxoo
Well Its nice to see that these people do exist. Whats this about the piano? So you may come home a pianist i see. that sounds fun. Yeah well the guys and I went out on the town tonight cuz our game got cancelled due to a fire in the central valley area, we were gonna go to the radio station bunker but decided not to cuz we didnt have any means of lighting. I like the spam blogging, it adds a certain something to your comments. oh well thats all i got to say, I'll be sending e-mails tho
Hi Kari, Sounds like you are struggling with the German, but I think you'll be in great shape taking all those "sport" classes. I am so happy that you are doing okay considering it is such a huge adjustment. I am proud of you. Your host family appears very nice and I do like your bedroom (I like the floor design)! Your mom is here showing me the ropes so I can talk to you too. Jessie is with Shannon as she leaves for school tomorrow. Jess is the last to leave and not very happy about that. Your mom is busy with school and so am I. Love ya. Sharon
Kari- Huh-zah! EVERYONE smokes EVERYWHERE in europe. quite disgusting. and, your bedroom looked quite a bit like the one's i occupied. mad. i'm sure you'll be just fine with your classes. you're a mad student in english, so why not mildly skilled in german? maybe? a little? yes. mel told me to look at Manfred's ears. and i did. they don't look any particular ethnicity. but, hey, what do i know? maybe mel knows a thing or two about different races of ear. okay, i think you can just ignore that whole ear comment bit. it was pretty silly. you'll do fine, i know it.
cheers! simone salutation
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