Yep, that's right....chicken, and I made it!!! And the other pic was just for kicks...hehe.
I didn't post yesterday so here I am. Oh, and I wanted to remember to say this, as I have been meaning to for a while. Most of the men here wear their wedding ring on their right hand, and also some of the women. Weird, eh? Ok that was what I wanted to say. Hmm on Friday I made chocolate chip cookies and they turned out absolutely perrrfffeeect and they tasted soooo good. The family also liked them very much and they were gone by yesterday afternoon. I think next I will make my snickerdoodles. :) Or no, my apple pie. maybe I will just make both. Anyway, it also rained a lot Friday evening and afternoon and got quite cold. And the weather changes so quickly here---right now its windy, and it has been since Friday. Clouds are constantly blowing through and sometimes they bring rain, sometimes it's sunny, but it is rather cold. But I havent worn my cashmere coat yet, although I am thinking tomorrow sounds like a nice day for it. :) Then again its always a little warmer down in Bad Säckingen....ah I dont know....I did go running in the rain friday though, and it totally brought back memories of FHS soccer in the winter time. Oh good memories!!! Yesterday I went running and it was just really cold outside so I got to wear my long spandex pants, mmm I love those things.
I also made lunch yesterday, as lunch is the big meal, as I have said a gazillion times. Stefanie and I went to the grocery store in Rickenbach (5 min away) and got what I needed. I made lemony baked herb chicken, salad with a dressing I made (which just isnt the same without cilantro, but they didnt have it at the store), and olive oil sauteed zuchini. mmmmm It tasted so good and there was leftovers so that's going to be lunch today I imagine. I can't wait, but that wont be for 2 hours probably. Ahh I love chicken so much. Ah I want to cook some more and I want to sew, but i have no fabric!!!! Huh, well I think that is it....so i guess I will go.
Hum...I beleive you are getting your language's mixed up or something Kari. "Heart", as I recal, is a noun, more specifically it's a organ, a vital organ. I think the word you are looking for is "love", which would have worked out quite well and been understood by all. Yes, mmmmm I love chicken too, but I don't like the heart. Now there's a sentense where you could have used heart with chicken. Should I send you your old english book so you don't forget your lingual roots?
Otherwise, your chicken looked delicious, but you didn't say weather your familie liked it? I'm glad your CC cookies turned out...not burnt I guess? Hehe. Sounds like you're cooking your way into your host family's "heart", so to speak. Not sure what it's called when used in that context, I didn't listen too well in school. Hey, I guess that makes us somewhat alike cause you "can't" listen in school!Hehehohoharharimagonagosmokeacigar. Is that like poetry or something?
Love you Kari, and I promise I'll write you a serious letter some day. Pop
Your Pop is quite a writer isn't he. However, his spelling leaves much to be desired! I'll give him the ole "metaphor" lesson tonight so he can be up to date and fling a few more of those at you. I guess if nothing else, Pop's Posts can bring a smile to your face and keep the homesickness at bay. Hey, you get the better end of this deal. Remember how hs is always crabbing and snarling around here? On second thought, keep the funny Pop.
Is Carolya thrilled with you taking over the meals? I sure miss it. Tell her to enjoy it because in a year she'll be lamenting it. Is Steph handy in the kitchen? I think I'll make Choc chip cookies today.
As to your new life. I think you should ride a horse. That will make for a good post. And go listen to Carolya play at the cathedral. Another not to be missed cultural experience we'd like to hear about?
BTW, are you cleaning and doing chores? Endulge us. Are you sleeping in?????
Off to my vocab list.
Love you lots. Mum
Mom lied. She didn't make cookies
:( but Dargo Did chase rabbits, narrowly missing 2.
Love, poP.
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