There you go, now you know that I am really in Germany (with the red hair that everyday I dislike more and more and more). Family pics coming soon....Well yesterday I had to go, so I will pick up where i left off. I would have been in the PE class (actually they call it ''sport'') that was focussed on soccer and basketball, but it was ALL guys. I think I would have felt a little awkward being the only girl, and not speaking German so I sacrificed my favorite sport for some company. The other class is basketball, volleyball, and wimpy sports (ping pong). But there are girls in it. And many uncordinated people. Its fun though, because it's kinda funny. We played basketball yesterady and were split into 4 teams. I'm not even that good at basketball but I scored the only basket in out game, woohoo. All the other kids clapped and it was quite embarrassing actually. It's like ''hurray, the foreign girl can play basketball!!!'' Oh and you have to bring your own PE clothes. Most people only have one double period of PE a week, but I opted for 2 so that I won't be any more stressed. I forgot my shoes yesterday so i was just in my socks. Soccer socks, because it was cold, and those of you that know me know that I often wear soccer socks up to my knees when it is cold. So I had my athletic pants tucked into them. I looked like a golfer. hehe.
Last night Manfred and I went to the Waldschut-Säckingen Rotary meeting. They are the club sponsering me. It is the club of 2 cities, with a total population of about 50,000 people. It has just over 20 members, and only men. Quite small compared to my sponser club, and there are 5 clubs in Redding. Last night it was a dinner meeting at a restaurant and the men brought their wives. They were all very nice people, like every Rotarian I have met. Two women already want to do something with me, one said ''we will take a trip!!!'' Both had children that went to the US for exchange. The one who wants to take me ''on a trip'' had a son that went 4 years ago and met a girl, who soon became his girlfriend, and then moved to Amsterdam where they have been going to school together. They are going to be in town at the end of October so she wants to have me over then. And the other woman was also very kind and told me if I ever needed someone to talk to or get a ride home or something, if I miss the bus, then I can call her because she lives right by my school. A man sitting next to me talked to me the entire night, so he could practice his English. He is a dentist/orthodontist and has traveled all over South American, Europe, and South Africa. It was long, and much more formal that Rotary in Redding. Most of the members were older, and most were in suits. I wore my blazer. :) Got compliments on the decoration on the back (i puffy painted ''Kari California, USA'').
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I ride the bus to school. But they dont have a school bus system here. Its the public transportation, but mostly students in the morning. Have to be at the bus stop at 6:25 in the morning. And then ride it for an hour, and get motion sickness. We switch busses at one point, and then end up having to stand because there are no seats. And it's stuffy and hot and lots of loud little kids and I really felt like I was on the brink of vommitting up my entire stomach just before it stopped yesteday. And then it wipes out my appetite for a few hours. I hate getting sick.
Today I had double English, math, double art, and double Spanish. Pretty sure I can't keep spanish. It's a fourth year class. I took two years of spanish in 9th and 10th grade. That was a long time ago and I did recogniye words, but didn't know what the teacher was saying, just like German. But how am I suppose to understand Spanish taught in German? Math was confusing too. And it's not specifically Algebra or geometry, its grade 12 math. In german. I tried doing the homework but my dictionary doesnt have math lingo in it. Art was strange. Dividing up Renaissance drawings with lines to make a square in the middle. Not sure why. Probably would know if I knew what the teacher said.
Talked to more people today. They heard CA and thought 'The OC!'' Oh, of course, orange county, LA. Nope good ole redding. hmm well i gotta go, been on a while. Love you all.
Hi Kar,
I guess you can get spam comments too!! Nothing to exciting here. No pool workers today. Pool construction has slowed to a crawl, not sure why. Very frustrating. I had my spanish tutoring up in Houston, I am in private lessons, and she is working on getting me to speak espanol anywhere, anytime, to anyone, about anything. A tall order for a gringa like me, but I am trying. Sounds like your trying and doing well. How's your german coming? Love your picture today!! I don't think your red is that bad. What color are you gonna do next!!
adios, su tia
kari you're gorgeous. and in germany. SO LUCKY!
i thnk it's kinda funny how your mom's 6th grade class seems to love you. i mean, i love you, but you're my cousin. so yeah...hm... riiiiight.
nothing much is happening here. i've just started working on my HUGE history project and it's due friday. i've got such bad study habits... i really really need to not procrastinate. really.
ok. time to go write 'Uncle Sam Explores the Road to American Independence!' [the assignment is to write a kids book for 8-10 year olds about the road to american independence. boston tea party and all that]. i'm making it rhyme."Now, the British has a government, that they called Parliment, and no Americans did they represent..."
ok. i love you adn have much fun. try to remember that even people who almost fail school cause they don't speak German can have a good time. at least you don't have to worry about graduating!
love mel
wooo, Germany sounds fun! I guess.. I just sort of wrote that... Anyway, because you probably don't know who is writing this, its your little cousin! Can you guess which one? hmm.. I wonder. yeah, I'm Korinn. guess what?!? I'm gonna learn how to play the bass (I keep on saying baass and now base) guitar!!! I'm very very excitedmundo about that. I'm bidding on one right now on ebay, and theres this guy who lives waaay in Houston (like an hour away, just in houston!) and he has a cool website so I might go to him. Of course, I have to pay for it all.. phoosh there goes my sheep money!
your school sounds.. german. I know what its like to be the new kid, kinda awkward. Must be awkwardx7 for you, the language thing is kinda a problem. well, keep the us updated!
-hearts and hugs-
korinn sydney m.
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