Sorry the pics are sideways...i fogot to change them. There is me at the table before my cooked delicacies, and a path in the forest that i often run through if its not too dark.
Yesterday Stefanie, Carola, and I went to this thing that I thought was a concert for some accoustic guitar band, but turned out to be some sort of quasi-concert/hippie-fest. Nothing against hippies, of course, but it was rather funny. i think the band we went to see canceled or something because of the weather, although the only detrimental aspect to playing music could have been the wind. No rain, just windy and freezing. Anywho, it was at someones home, but was outside and in their barns. There was people selling old stuff, kinda like a yardsale, but then there was posters and broshures and all kind of stuff all over the place that said ''Grün'' on them which could only lead me to believe they were sponsering the Green Peace Party. My assumption for the vast amount of advertising at this ''get-together'' was because it was election day in Germany. It all fit together: green peace stuff everywhere, homemade food being sold, hippies in ravaged old clothing with dreadlocks and frizzy hair, animals running freely, and strange music. Oh, and it was election day. The music was played by a man and a women, and at first it started out kinda good, but got rather weird. It was neato because the man had an assortment of those long wooden tube things that they play in Australia that sound like a loud jaw harp (thank you Joe, now I can actually say I know what a jaw harp sounds like). The woman was on guitar but her singing was a little strange. Just making loud hmmmmm ummmmm gnaawwww noises. Then he started sorta screeching into the tube things which distinctly sounded like what could have been a dying cat. It was a little shocking, because you hear the guitar and the low pitched tube noises, and a slight rattling from this other instrument he had and then ''EEEEEEEAAAAAOOOOWWWWWWW'' Soon thereafter we left. plus is was freezing outside. Something like 40 with wind the wind chill, and I'd say gusts up to 35 or 40mph. cooolllddddd.
Later on we went to what we thought was going to be a womens soccer game, but was the ending of a mens game. It was funny because at the end all the people rooting for the team that won were going crazy. I mean it wasn't like they are pro or anything...could have been because they all had a beer in their hands, but they were very happy that this team had won. So this evening we are going to a game, i think, or a practice, for a team I may possibly play on. SLightly intimidating, because they dont have teams for girls my age...you have to play in an adult league. ahhhhh!
Then Carola and I went to another concert, this time is was a pipe organ/flute/classical guitar concert, playing Vivaldi, Bach, and two other composers' music from the 16 and 1700's. After we ended up going out to dinner with the organist, guittarist, flutist, and some other people. I was the only non-adult, but they talked to me a lot and asked me a lot of questions. The flutest was really good...she had been trained by James Gallaway, and apparently hee flute cost 30,000 euro. Yeah....thirty thousand euros!!!! Thats like buying a brand new car totally decked out plus more. sheesh.
Oh, and they seriously think i am being starved or something. Always, ''ESSEN! ESSEN!'' Manfred told me eat like a bird. HAH Yesterday i ate sooo much couldnt believe myself. My appetite has come back, mostly. Same thing happened last year when i went to finland i remember, but there they have a huge lunch and a huge dinner. here just a big lunch and lots of pudding, ive noticed. So at dinner i kept it small and just had some soup, Gulasch suppe...or spelled somthing like that. And then they insisted i have ice cream too. Okay, fine, it'll be chocolate then. (duhh).
And thank goodness I no longer have spanish or physics, that really lifted a weight of my back. And today when Stefanie and I went to talk to my couselor and he told me I was no longer in those classes, he said that my German was already better!!! YEAH THAT MADE ME SO HAPPY. Because i still feel lost, but i guess unconciously i am learning!!! So now Tuesday's i dont start school until 10:35, which means i can probably take a later bus and get up later!!!! YEAH!! Only 5:30 3 days a week, since i think stefanie may drive every wednesday because she has to take her guitar to school. Hmm well i have written quite a bit. so i suppose i will go. Tschüss! (means bye...or see ya, informally...i think that's how its spelled...)
Dude, sounds like exciting times! That jaw harp thing is a Diggeridoo, by the way (not sure about sp). I'm in the Shasta library right now and there's a kid standing around with a shirt that says "hardnipples" on it. What a weirdo. I'm excited about soccer. You should send us pictures of the team when you start playing with them.
P.S. my account is zealtohonesty.blogspot.com (no underscores)
Love Rae
Sup Keeksta
Yeah those hippies cart those digeriedoo things around a lot.. they are really cool to listen to I wouldnt mind having one to play with. I played a jaw harp this weekend on my geology field trip.. We started out on Friday at 3:00 pm drove to trinty lake on the ever so cool 1970's Humboldt State University short bus with like 22 people counting driver and then camped at the lake. This one girl woke me up because there was a racoon eating her food in her back pack and I was freezing then when I finally fell asleep I heard a munching sound in the bacground so i shined my flashlight to see the coon in this other girls purse on the picknic table so I hucked a rock at it and beaned it in the back and it ran away.. So after shivering for another hour I finally fell asleep. And then I wake up to this guy next to me yelling "You little Bastard get out of here!!" it was funny hes a big soccer player.. hes on the hsu team he looks like one of those pro guys has the beard and curly long hair like 4 inches long i guess and hes like 6'3" he was funny. I guess he is going to follow the world cup this next year or something his dad lives in germania. Saterday we drove across california to the lava beds it took forever. When we stopped in burney for gas so me kids saw our bus and were like yall have any weed!? screaming across the parking lot. Then saterday night me and 2 guys and 3 girls all went caving til midnight it was fun we went through like 6 lava tubes. One of the tubes became a smoke tube because one guy thought it would be cool to smoke some pot luckyly there was an alternate exit so i didnt like die breathing smoke. We then walked back to camp in the desert under a full moon to find our geology teacher drunk that was about one of the funniest things Ive ever seen he was like dancing and stuff around the fire like an indian and hes like 60 years old it was hilarious. Then I shivered my way through the night with all my clothes on and we drove home yesterday and I got to smell this hippie chick the whole time not that any of us smelled pretty but this one girl was rancid.
Aaron came over here on Thursday night and we fished Friday monrnign and I caught a bunch of rockfish and caught my first ling cod I was happier than a.. I dunno something. anywho I have homework so im out later
Kari Bananna
Wow, sounds like you’re getting around more now. That’s great. And your German, (you are in Germany aren’t you?) is getting better! Yeah, sounds like that barn concert you went to was a real wingdinger. The noise that green peace woman was making was probably her rendition of the pain and suffering endured by every farm animal and wild creature in the history of mankind who has given it’s life for the sake of nourishing barbaric humans. Tell her if it would make her feel any better she should fly to Louisiana and rescue a displaced wet, oily cat or something. If she really wanted to do some good, she could cook the cat and feed some displaced people! (no all you blog snoopers, I wouldn’t do that. It’s a joke…meow…I love cats) Interesting…I guess it takes all kinds? Still, the instruments sound cool. Kind of sounds like you and Blaine hang with the same sort of crowd these days! Hummm…hippies…interesting but harmless folk. Smelly though...like cabbage. I guess I shouldn’t send any pictures of me and my hawks with dead rabbits in my hands and blood dripping down my arm eh?
Wow, sounds like Blaine had a pretty cool trip too. It sounds JUST LIKE the trip I took to the lava beds when I was in Shasta College, except it poured rain on us. I am surprised a university professor would behave in such a manner though…augh…right. One difference…he took the short bus, we took a long one. Did Blaine tell you he saw the groovy blue Waynes-World murph-mobile in Burney also! Evidentially, it still runs. We should have kept it. That way YOU could drive it when you get home on account of me converting your car to a falconer’s rig.
Oh yes, be careful around those beer drinking soccer dudes. Remember what I said about guys being like dogs? Dogs don’t normally get drunk, but you can imagine what they would act like if they did, right? Be warned. If one touches you, punch him the nose and scream like hell till someone else punches him again and makes him bleed…that way he’s marked and will surely suffer the humiliation he surely deserves. By the way, this rule doesn’t apply just to Germans, it applies at home as well…probably more so. Horny little bastards. Oh crap…I’m probably pissing your mom off. Nuf said bout that.
Oh yes…I see you attended a proper social event as well. Fraternizing with real musicians? That’s nice. Did they play any AC DC? Really…that does sound nice. Makes me feel I may have failed you in some way since I never took you to a real concert..(tear). Oh well, you’re emotionally stable, you’ll get over it. Me…I’ll feel bad the rest of my life. Hummm, but then again, my parents never took me to a well-to do concert either! I’s robbed! Poor me. But life goes on.
I love you Kari.
Carry on with the year of your life.
Hi Kari,
Clarification: Green Peace is a environmental organization; Green Party is the political party!!
Well, it seems we have a huricane heading our way..have you heard? Hurricane Rita...lovely Rita. It is still a tad soon to say if it will really come to Houston, but it is sure looking that way. They are say it could be a huricane 3. Remember if it is a 4 or higher, I could flood!! I really don't want my brand new house flooded! Yikes, that would be a nightmare. But to be safe, I did make reservations at a Motel 6 in Austin, TX (3hours north) for the weekend. Motel 6 will let me take all my critters, and I don't want to be a huricane victim looking for a hotel Friday night with 3 million other people.
Your dad is right about men and dogs!! I know!!! Be very careful!!!!
I had a trip with memories similar to Blaines except my was at Shasta College over to Patricks Point! As I recall the teacher got stoned!! Ah...the good ol' 70's!!
Loved your feast photo. I don't look very starved!! You look great!! All your concerts sound very interesting!! Lots of culture!! I have bought Mel and Korinn and myself a ticket to a big festival here at the end of Oct. to see some old geezer groups: Journey, Kansas, Eddy Money, Boston etc. But then I found out I will have to sit out in the rain or sun to see these old geezer groups that I didn't really care for when they or I were young so I am gonna try to sell my ticket to Mel's beau!
Off to fill up the Expedition...just incase I need it for hurricane escape!! I will keep you posted.
Love you.
In the words of Fahardo.
Hi Kari, guess what, not a damn thing has happened and my hopes that TOOL came out with a new CD are gone. Ummm I'm trying to win a XBOX 360 by Mountain Dew caps. Me and Deiter are pooling our recources and splitting it, yep score. Um mom has your paycheck. I'm not sure whats ganna happen with it because it needs to be signed, but yeah. Um... I'm tryin to sell Scamp and the cage for like 100 bucks. I need a desk. Uh... pop said he now supports me in doing a transmission swap, just I need to get the FIAT done first (I asked Mike fore another day a week off; 4 work, 3 off [two at school]). I got a cell phone. Siska say hi. I ordered some new speakers for my truck. I have come to a conclusion that having a pay-pal account officially sucks. I am trying to get a creditcard so I dont have to keep putting my debit in on the net, but all of the apps come for you or blaine. Mom woke me up this morning at 6 and yesterday sadie did at the same time. Zoe peed on the rug. Some douche bag customers at work threw a rock through a window and lied about it; they still paid (lied to me, but told Lidsny). Some people (who were cool) punched a hole in the ceiling of a odessy and bend the rame guides, paid. And another group broke off a gate on the back railing. Kinda strange everything gettin broken. Wanna know something funny? Everyones saking me if I have talked to you. Hah...hahaha...hjaahahahahhsah. I will someitme when convenient I guess. But considering it is probably around 5 or six in the morning and your gettin ready to wake up or turn your alarm off- one or the other.
Guess what else??? Ozzy is losing weight! And Frank is as retarded as ever. Zoe is well...........uh...................................................dotdotdot..................paypal sucks.
Green peace, green party, what's the difference? Sides that, what does a Texan know about anything! Hea,hea...I knew that would increase your blood pressure Kathy.
Love, Pop
i laughed so hard reading all the comments our relations leave on here. it seems pot-smoking college trips are the norm up there in NorCal. too bad we're not there anymore.... at least you get to be in germany!! here in houston mom freaked me out by saying we might be evacuating on thursday.. noooooo!!! i don't want to! we have a three day weekend and I AM NOT SPENDING MY PRECIOUS 3 DAY WEEKEND AT A NASTY MOTEL SIX JUST BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID STORM! it's not happening. i told mom if it were a Catergory 3 or above, i'd probably give in a go with her, but if not, i am staying here. i need to vaccum my room, and i've reserved saturday for vaccuming, and i can't vaccum if i'm at a motel six (god i hate that place).
in other news, there was a Model UN meeting today after school, and i signed up to try out for Botswana. wish me luck. i think i was one of about four white kids and the rest were all asian with a smattering of Indians (india indians) and Muslims. i felt like a racial miniority... i dont mean to encourage stereotypes, but for some reason i think about 95% of the asains here get better grades than me.
but the exciting part was that after i signed up i sat down and talked to these two guys who are always walking into my history class, and it wasn't an awkward conversation at all and i'm so pleased with myself for socializing. it made me happy :)
ok, i'm going to go finsihs my homework now.
sounds like your having an interesting time with the german hippies. it's unny, i never really thought about other countries having hippies before...hmm...
love mel
oh yeah... i wanted to say that the forest there is Beautiful. with a capital B. and i'm so jealous cause the trees here are very boring. comes from being surrounding by chemical plants. and it's hot and sticky. jacob burnt himself on his car the other day. i wish it were cold here.... oh well. i get a storm instead.
love mel
Sounds like a bitchin hippie concert. I concur with your father that it may have been the sounds of the suffering sacrafices to the human appetite that she was imitating. I might be goin to an Eagles concert in october or something which should be cool. anyways i sent you a long e-mail so go ahead and read that if you havent already. oh Yeah and be sure to punch the soccer player guys before they get any ideas. oh well im gonna go, i decided it will be my mission tonight to download every CCR song ever recorded, illegal I know but I just cant help it. I shold do my homework first tho :(
mel is soo right--what a funny place this is. Sorry, Mel, looks like you get a vacuum reprieve. Git on outta town...reckless rita is on her way. Good thing yer nutty mum didn't get that waterfront house.
Gee, no great hippy stories are coming to mind, and the only eventful college instructor I had was Hansen at Shasta College who taught Human Sexuality with the current best seller Our Bodies, OurSelves, and she gagged us with her wild and crazy sexual and she maybe 35--we thought she was soooo grosss.
ShloZo has a dr appt for a mangy rash on her chin at 4 today. Talk to you later.
Love you, mum
Your mom is trying to show me how to send you a comment on your blog. will write later Granny
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