That's my room. Sorry it's sideways. Ok school was another task today. I had decided that I won't be able to stay in physics or Spanish. I knew that I couldn't do Spanish, but physics was completely over my head today. I recognized a few symbols but the teacher talks really fast and expects me to know what he is saying. And then i found out we had homework but i didnt know so i didnt have it done. AHhhh going to talk to the councelor tomorrow morning.
But i really like my math/PE teacher (well my second PE teacher), Frau Merz. She is young and understands that I am German-less. She said she knew math must be really hard for me and that it was ok if I wasn't understanding, but that she was just happy that I was there. phew. And I had German today, but the teacher just read from some book and that was it. And English. That's always a relief of a class. There is a boy in a few of my classes that is really nice (and ironically looks like a lanky-er Bryson Jones, for those of you that know him...), and he has the coolest name...Florian. How awesome pawesome is that?? It reminds me of this weird book i read about 5 years ago...called Clockwork. There was a little boy in it named Prince Florian and he died but was put back together with clock pieces and ran off of that. strange book. Anywho Florian is really nice and so are most of the other girls in my class but I dont really remember many of their names.
Oh, and the older kids are aloud to smoke at school. grosse. I think about 40% of the older kids smoke....go outside and they are all smoking. Interesting though that it's aloud here. The kids pretty much dress the same. A lot of the girls actually look like Americans but behind in the trends. And mom, yes I am ''suitably fashioned.'' I suppose I like my style compared to some of the other girls'. heheh. Oh, and about missing food. YES!!! I miss variety. At home there is pretty much bread and apples. And yesterday there were grapes and bananas. I had my first banana in a week. I miss granola bars and cereal and regular wheat bread and real sandwhiches with soft regular wheat bread and lettuce and ''deli cuts sliced turkey.'' And my smoothies. Oh, and tortilla chips and mexican food. So i want to make enchiladas this weekend. Stefanie and I eat the big meal of the day when we get home from school. Remember lunch is most important. And then i dont really eat much after that. except maybe a small piece of the hersheys dark chocolate i have with me. muhuhahah.
Oh and I am going to Stuttgart next saturday. :) Yeah I get to go somewhere. One of Manfred's friends invited us to go, so Manfred, Stefanie and I are going. There is some beer festival like Octoberfest but smaller and in Stuttgart. So i can go into the city and go shopping! Yeah! Hmm well have to go. Love Kari.
Hi Kari,
I am your first comment!! We miss sourdough bread terribly here in Texas. We went through Mel's 3 loaves in about 12 days! Maybe your bday-Holiday packages should be full of favorite foods??? What are they. Sounds your sorting through all your classes. The language barrier seem so daunting. Maybe you can just get your classes down to just basics, nothing to fancy like physics, since you don't need to graduate. Pool workers here today..maybe, just maybe water in the pool by next week!!
Miss you tons and love you bunches!
Kari!! I'm sorry I haven't been able to post..We haven't had internet at home and I've been too busy at school this week. I'm excited that you're writing so much, though, because I know you're not a writer. And I like to keep up with things. That's so weird about that Florian kid, now everytime I pass Bryson at Shasta I'll be thinking of you. Ich vermisse Sie! Can you play normal viedo tapes there?
Ich liebe dich,
Mexican food fixin's will be on the way tomorrow--I will send it first class to get it there fast. Any special requests? Email me early tomorrow so I can get it mailed. I may just go to Redding to send it after 4:00 (when BV closes( I will go to the store first to include fresh tortillas, sour dough bread and some Juanitas too so you make a real meal. I hope you can get chicken and cheese. I sympathize with your cravings...I bet you are losing weight eating all those apples.
Thank you for all the really interesting cultural stuff. I bet everyone enjoys it as much as I do. I know a lot of people are telling me they enjoy reading it even tho they aren't leaving Blog posts.
Love you, Mom
Hmm, what's his name, Farmezian? You just keep your :), thoughts to yourself young lady. I'll not have any daughter of mine flirting with some forien dude. And don't you forget it.
Your room looks nice...lots of wood. It's nice you post a pic every day. That keeps us interested and informed. We need pics of people though...your family...your schoolmates.
How many times will they let you change classes before they drop you back to the 5th grade level? I bet some of your firends over here wish they could do that.
Have fun on your trip if I don't det to blog you (??) before then.
Love pop
Sup keeksta.... So yesterday I saw another hippie with a black cat perched on his shoulder like a parrot as he was walking down the street... this guy didnt smeell as bad and I tamed his cat by staring into its eyes.. Guess what!? I just got something today that came from Germania 15 days. Its a geo caching travel bug, You can see where this travel bug has been by clicking on http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?tracker=316144 just thought Id tell you of my experiences with germany.
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