Photos from top to bottom: Inside the Cathedral in St. Blasien, the Münster in Ulm, the inside of the Münster, some pretty architecture along the Danube, some leaves on a stone wall with the Danube in the background, and a park area with pretty trees. I hope the order is correct.
And now Blaine, you must feel very proud because you made it into my title, my poor (literally), lonesome, University brother. I take it you are having much fun reading my blog and miss my conversationg...ah my oldest brother misses me...how sweet!!! And I hadn't posted because I wasn't at home. I was in Ulm for the weekend staying with some other exchange students. Ulm is quite a big city (comparison to Bad Säckingen: In Säckingen at the train station there are two lanes...one going east and the other west. In Ulm there are 8 or 10...I hope that makes sense. hehhe). Anyway Friday morning I met with the director of the private school. All went very well and Carola said I spoke very good German, almost no grammatical errors. He said he had a good impression of me, and I am pretty sure I would be going except I probably won't be because it costs €95 a month...which after the year is finished it will be over $1000. Und das ist ein bisschen zu viel für mich zahlen. (too much) On the other hand the school was absolutely gorgeous...the entire inside is all white and marble floors and there are big pillars everywhere and spiral staircases and the church dome was really something to stare at. Wow. And St. Blasien, the town it's in...is down right really really really beautiful. Especially in the fall because the fall here is like nothing I've ever seen before...All the trees are turning colors...Except the pines of course...but the others are all mingled in between and their leaves are orange and yellow and red and pink...its SO PRETTY. I seriously just can't get enough of it. In Redding all you see is a bunch of dead looking oak leaves all over the ground. Here the edges of the roads and trails along the forest are leaves inches deep, and full of color. So anyway...picturesque town right in the Schwarzwald. Well Niedergebisbach is too, but this is even more in it.
Ulm was fun...I visited and climbed the Münster church in Ulm...The began building it in 1377 and finished in 1890 and it has the WORLDS tallest spire at 525 feet. And I went to the top, nearly...well as high as humans can go. Had to take a few breaks because the stairs are narrow and sprial up the entire way and a kinda steep. It was pretty awesome though. It was very foggy when we began...couldnt even see a third of the way up and then by the time we got to the top the fog was cleared enough so that we could see the ground, but all was white around us. By the time we got the bottom it was all blue skies...very cool. The church is so amazing on the inside too...an extremely old gothic cathedral, and we (me, Odin (Canada), Morgan (France), Jordan (Michegan), and Brent (Oklahoma)), stayed for an organ concert played on the montrous pipe organ. It was awesome, whoever was playing played one other most famous organ pieces ever...I dont know what it is called, but if you heard it, you would know. Brent knew because he plays the organ (and was at the moment of the concert pretending he was playing..since he knew all the notes and whatnot. very very amusing). The inside is huge though. The ceilings are super tall and all the architecture is amazing. Look it up on google...it will make more sense.
Then we walked through the city center and down the cobblestone streets (which are everywhere here) and into an older part of the city right on the Danube. Most of the buildings have been built since WWII since something like 80% of the city was destoyed (but not the Münster....talk about strategic bombing...everything around it was hit). It was so pretty and the weather was perfect. Perfecto day. That evening we went to a get together party for a kid who just got back from exchange. Saw two of the other exchange students in Ulm so that was fun. And then Sunday the weather was a little dreary so we went to this huge swimming complex thing where they have indoor slides and pools and saunas and whatnot. Afterward we had to get to the theatre and ended up running half the way there through Neu Ulm (Ulm's sister city on the other side of the Danube in Bavaria) because we missed our bus. Oh that was fun lol. Saw an opera at the theatre and Rotary bought our tickets! Didnt understand a darn thing as the opera was in Italian and the subtitles in German and it was very very strange. Came home the next day but I gotta say that the bus and train systems in Europe are the coolest thing ever. Especially in a bigger city because they come so often and they are so easy to use. Really am lovin it.
Finished making a pair of pants today and had a soccer game and got my foot and ankle stepped on. And we lost. And that's all for now.