Monday, October 03, 2005

winter brings sunless days...which means pigmentless skin

Ah, I see the picture of me from the blog with Zoe, and it makes me long for my Jack Russels, and then I also see the tan skin that summer brings. Well now that I am pretty much in the winter time (Redding style, that is), I have no tan. I am so white!!!! And my red hair brings it out even more (bleh I hate this hair color...seriously thinking of changing it to my natural in soon, very soon. I hate the red).

Well nothing interesting has happened in the last day or two, except that this morning we all went for a walk ''in dem Wald,'' (in the forest/woods), and Manfred points out something white underneith the bushes next to the road. Cold weather + moisture = SNOW!!! In October!! Well actually, it was more like slush, and there wasnt hardly any at all, but enough that I knew what it was!!!! It is pretty cold outside...40 somethin, so at night I assume its getting pretty cold-er. Woo Hooo!!!

Oh, and Aunt Kathy, to answer your questions:

1. are you speaking mostly german or english at home? I pretty much only speak German at home. When I don't understand, they repeat it in English, or a German-English combination and explain what the words mean. at school? I don't speak as much at school. And sadly, the other students seem to think that I know NO German at all, so they just automatically talk to me in German. I mean, if they bump into me, they even say ''sorry,'' instead of the German equivalent, ''entschuldigung.'' I officially decided on Friday that I am not going tot learn fast enough, so I am telling them to talk to me in German, just keep it simple and slow. That way I will learn faster.

2. is your german vastly improving? My German is not vastly improving, as in super fast, but it is improving. I think I can speak much more that I can understand, since I am much more of a visual person than oral. I think I might rather have it the other way around in a then I might understand what my teachers are talking about. are you fluent? What the heck are you thinking?? lol, No, I am not fluent. Not for a few months, I presumer will I be fluent, or close to.

Oh, and for my mom's 6th grade class: thanks for keeping updated with my blog! SOrry if I haven't answered your questions directly, but keep reading it...who knows, you guys could be an exchange student one day, you'll love it!!!

Mm I like using color, it really brightens up the post. pun intended!! HAHAH!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kari

you wrote:
" I don't speak as much at school. And sadly, the other students seem to think that I know NO German at all, so they just automatically talk to me in German."??
Do mean the kids at school talk to you in English? Since you are deciding they need to speak german to you, I am guessing the kids are speaking english. And good idea to ask them to speak German to you. It will help a lot.

I talked to Caitlin this morn for about 30 min. She misses home, and especially girlfriends. She says she has a hard time emailing everyone as she is working long hours and then she is so tired she just wants to sleep. Today she swam in the alantic ocean and walked in the Sahara Dessert!! She said the beaches there are incredible. Water was perfect, not to hot or cold. Sand was very soft!!
One of her jobs that she is doing is catching the labors who are stealing the cargo. She says she screams at them (even cusses them out), and forces them to give it all back. I told her, she really is meant to be a sailor!!

The electrician for my pool finally showed up. The only white guy to work on my pool. Would you believe he put all his workers (hispanics) to work on the wiring and he went back to his big ol' truck, fired up the air conditioning and reclined the seat and chilled out in there for about 30-40 min. All while his employees are doing all the work. Everytime I looked out there, he was reclined, yacking on the phone. So then I see him get out of the truck, and go tell his workers he is going out to lunch!! Meanwhile his workers are working on and on in the heat!! Boy, this electrician works the system.

Now that the pool is nearly done, it just calls us outside. It is so lovely you just want to go sit in it. Today I bought some basic lounge chairs and a umbrella. Can't wait till this evening to go relax by the pool.

I don't think winter comes here, I think it will be warm year round. I think it does cool off but I don't think I will ever need more than a sweater.

Mel and I have a rotary meeting next week. I think her first round of forms are due this month. The big interview is in Dec.

Thank you for answering my questions...I have a clearer picture.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

I want to be where Caitlin is that would be awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey there kari beri.

mom is muttering behind me, reading to herself the letter she is writing to my high school's admisistration because they won't let me swich math classes, and i've been trying for like the past three weeks. i hate school administration. nothing is ever done right.

sorry i didn't write one the last post, i didn't read it until now. the past few days i've been completely absorbed in this Stephen King series (The Dark Tower), and it has seven books, with each one containing 500-800 pages. so i've been frittering my time away that way.

on saturday i went bowling with 3 germans adn four americans. it was pretty fun... kinda awkward, but fun. every once in awhile the three germans would start speaking deustch (or however you spell it) and it was very very fun to listen to. it seems likes they talk so much faster than us. maybe that's just cause i don't know what they're saying.

i love how you have 'double' classes, that's just so awesome. i never did get to go to the harry Potter club meeting, it was canceled when school was canceled for the hurricane.

i went swimming in our pool today, it was so nice. it's so pretty, it looks like a lake. waay prettier than our old pool. but i liked our old yard waaay better than this one, that's for sure.

well, im' gonna hit the bricks (i'm not even really sure what that means...) so i'll write to youu again later.


Anonymous said...

Hey, kari, your hair is the same color as the carrots! I knew that red hair would lose it's allure. Remember, blonde's have more fun. So you better hurry up and switch it back. It is your destiny to have fun!

I just packed to go off to camp. Tomorrow I have to leave poor Schlo Zoe and Ozzy. WHo will they sleep with? Zoe really jumps high into pops arms now. Pop is leaving to meet Cory in Bend, Oregon so, the doggies will have to be alone for one night. Kyle being the hard hearted soul he is, and won't let Zoe climb in bed with him, tho she repeatedly tries.

It is right nippy here these nights--was 44 this morn and only 70'ish today. Looks to be a cool week at camp. I will probably be on extra long yard duties because a mother sow and her 2 cubs have taken to hanging about in the camp. UGH! So now we have to contend with the children being eaten by a she bear! Pop is coming out on Wed to show the kids his hawk.

No news on Big Daddy. He appears to be wasting awy. Oh well, such is the cycle of life. His legacy will live on as I am sure the ewes are all bred. I guess we will have to get John's ram lamb to keep the herd going for you.

Off to do a few more things...I love you--Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Kari,

Your mom said that I should post some sort of note so I am just saying HI! I have read every posting, in fact last week I was reading one of them in the library and started laughing so hard I had to leave!

Anyway I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Have a great rest of the week.

Sarah M.