Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What? A Flag in every classroom?

In English today we were talking about the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem (I believe the current unit in the class is focussed on the US), and the class and teacher were all astounded to hear that in most schools the we say the Pledge of Allegiance every day, and that there is a flag in every classroom. They were really surprised. They said they could never imagine anything like that, even having a flag in every classroom, in Germany.

And I read a funny joke today on a laffy taffy that came with a lovely package from home:

What did the potato say to the cow?

Give me some milk and we can make mashed potatoes.

OH man that one is so funny, seriously. I laughed. A lot. And Mrs. Manning, if you see this, thanks for the little bonus that came in the box my mom sent, that was so nice of you!!!

And Pop, check mom's email, there is a message there from me.


Anonymous said...

What did the cow say to the potato?

Nice sack!

Oh that was so funny I nearly choked on my toothbrush!

Kari, I checked moms email (nicolls10bla bla bla)and saw NOTHING for me.

Love Pop

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari darlin'

Well, after just about blowing a gasket over the dang school here, your dad's post is so funny, I feel better. Mel has been trying for 3 weeks to get out precalculus, and now I have to step in as they denied her the change. Who knows why? But, I have tried for 2 days to get ahold of the asst. principal and he is always in meetings. I am getting to know his secutary though. It is maddening. This change should take about 4 seconds and shouldn't take days and weeks. This is the absolute last week for changes, so I have to dogg the VP like the rotten rat he is. Maybe I should send in Dargo to chase the man out of his meeting!!

Congrats on hair change. I love a hair color change, it is like a renewal!! Ahhh... fun.

Oh, the flag thing. When I took Political Science at Shasta College a couple years back, the teacher was talking about our pledge, and said we are the only country in the world that does that. The pledge was established many years ago so that as children grew up in the USA they would hear the pledge daily and that they would give them a stronger sense of idendity as Americans. I would say it works!! Also our country is the only country in the world that has a junior college system that allows adults to make career changes in mid-life. When I visited Canada years ago, not only do they not have a pledge but they don't have a national anthem, and they thought it was weird we played ours all the time.

Resturants have smoking sections here, gross gross.

Did you get CD newsy letter. She sent a copy, she called me that day they went to the beach. She loved it!! Now that they are at sea, I should see them in about 2 weeks. I can't wait for Uncle Paul to see the pool.

I have been chatting with your mom while she is a WEST camp. Sounds things are going okay, not great but okay.

Guess I will go make something for dinner!! hugs to my darling neice!! miss you so much xxoo

Anonymous said...

My gosh Kari, your father is hilarious. I don't know if you will recognize the same guy when you talk to him in person 11 months from now. He is so funny, I wonder, "Is the same Pop at home?"

Camp is fine. Cold nights and mornings. A few issues hear and there but no major problemos.

Pop came and showed Dargo to the kids. He did a good job. He was only on display for 30 minutes then he was off a huntin'. he tried to con me out my phone for his trip to Oregon but gave up on me. Said he is going to try yo bribe Kyle--bribe him with a $20 to take his phone. We'll see if that works. Hey where are the comments on the pkg?? Shoes, chinese food, dog hair snippets, eh??

No comments and your pkg will be a $15.00 postage.......hmmmmmm

Off to campfire, Love mom

Anonymous said...

Michelle...I'm taking the Ozmonster with me to Oregon. Cory says we need a quail dog for Dave's Goshawk. I have the tracking transmitter and yes...I'll take good care of her.

Big Daddy is still drinking and hung around the feeding area this morning? the way...Kyle is no longer going to convert his $10,000 truck to 4 he's going to build a buggy. ????
I told him he's a nut case. He said shut-up! Funny.

I love you all...

Anonymous said...

HI kari,

No comment on the hair snippets??? Two bears last night but none of the children were eaten. Now I am working on my big diary project to send home--the kids are out on hikes+ I am washing bedding---issues! Stenzel went off fishing.

Off to do work. I Love you, Mom