....I want a kitchen with lots of space and lots of nice cooking equipment and a room with my sewing machines and lots of floor space to cut my fabric out on. And a built in ironing board wouldn't be a bad idea either. I LOVE TO COOK AND SEW SO MUCH!!!!! It is taking me over...steeling my soul so that I will soon just become an obsessed insomniac (well the second part is already partially true...at least last year when i was in school and was working and playing soccer and prioritized with sewing and cooking first, and then homework at 3am). And it's getting hard because I want my sewing machine! I have one here I can use, but is so darn convenient having my machines in my room right there with easy access and not have to worry about waking anyone up so I can sew as late as I want. The room with the machine here is right next to Manfred and Karola's bedroom. Karola did mention something about taking it downstairs...but it is always freezing in my room so that may not be such a good idea. I have decided that I want to find the fabric store around here, and if they dont have what I want the internet will have to do: zebra striped fleece. OH yes---I am going to make zebra fleece sweatpants and a zip up fleece jacket...probably with a hood since I love hoods so much and when I am home in the winter I dont really take mine off. They will match perfect with my gloves and headband and wallet and velvet undershirt. muhuhahaha. Might as well cut a little extra and cut out a scarf.
And onto the cooking part....when I am bored, I find myself dreaming away at allrecipes.com or gazing into my cookbook (that is filled with mostly allrecipes.com recipes, but also 3 big packets specializing in Italian, Mexican, and Chinese food that I kept from Senior Life Skills class last year...I think I was suppose to turn them in, but I couldn't resist the urge.....), longing only to just cook and taste and cook and taste. Ah, I love making new things too, things I have never tried before, even if they turn out gross. Today after school I made a minestrone soup that I got from allrecipes.com and that lovely focaccia bread was disqualified from the fair because I forgot to cut off a slice. The soup was good, but not minestone-ee enough for me, it was more just like veggie soup with lots of herbs. So I decided I need my mom to send me the recipe of the stuff she made last winter that was the best I have ever had in my life. The bread was delicious, and is mostly gone. Man i love it. Sonday I am making stir fried rice (keepin it simple with one dish, but still yummaliscious...there's a word for you, Pop). Oh MY GOODNESS! Look, I spelled Sunday wrong!! That is a sign...because that's like the German spelling, Sontag....Hooray!!! I actually find myself doing that here and there...like writing in my journal or something and I might write October with a K, or something of the like. I told the kids at school to talk to me in German, so I know that is helping. Of course, things need to be said in English if I dont understand, but it's helping.
Some girls came up to me today in the break and asked me to help them with their homework....it was for English class, asking things about America like the name of the National Anthem (which I feel like an idot because I went brain dead and couldnt remember so I put ?OH say can you see?? Hah now I remember that Star Spangled Banner!), who replaces the prez and vice prez if they die, the writers of the Delcaration of Independence and whatnot. And then they were saying they wished they lived in California but were wondering how I could survive in the heat. heheh And then a girl who I met at the party last friday came to me and said that her boyfriend (who I also met and had good taste in music), wanted to interview me for the newspaper he worked for. AWESOME!!!! And if it is the newspaper I know, then it is pretty big. I think there are 2 main papers around here, so that'll be neato!
Anyway, I think that is all. Hopefully this time tomorrow I will have my normal hair color back...I hope it works. Once I got the appointment, the anxiety is now hoping that it turns out ok. Well better go...
Wow, Kari, good thing I just had dinner or I would want to eat your focciasa bread (however it is spelled) I just know it is best bread since...well, sliced bread!! I have such good food memories of your cooking!!
I too, enjoy trying new recipes. Although I just make dinners and that is about it.
I think it is wonderful no matter where you are in the world you find your happy spots: soccer, sewing and cooking!! I am so glad your in Germany and not some less western country. Or you might be learning to cook bugs and snakes!!
Tonight in my spanish class we had to read stories and oh, they were hard!
I noticed in the pic with the bread it looks like your jacket for Rotary. Were you off to a meeting w/the bread?
Well, hurricane Rita lefts us all a surprise gift, these absolutely horrid giant mosqitos called "salt grass mosquitos". They fly and bite all the time (all day long), they bite so fast most of the time you can't see them. From my front door to the mail box 20 ft away, I can have 10 new bites. On the good side, they don't carry West Nile virus!! They make being outside just miserable. They say the hurricane rises up the tides, and then the tides come in flood the low lying areas, then the trapped water breeds these nasty mosquitos.
So now that I finally have a pool to lounge by, I can't stay outside to long or I will be toast...
Good luck w/your hair in the manana. If your seeing a pro, I am sure it will be just dandy. Post a picture. I can't remember when I last saw you w/natural hair. Come to think of, when did I last have natural hair color???
Love you!
hey there kar-i ma cousine
take a picture of hair after it's done iw ant to see!
and your bread looks SO FREAKIN GOOD. maybe it's because i've had some before and i knwo how amazing and awesome it is that i want a piece so bad.
and you've got buttons all over your blazer! i wonder how many you'll have by the time you return i can't believe you've been there a month already - it's seems like yesterday we were at the airport together. of course, i have trouble believeing that i've been living here since july...
our pool is almost finished.... i've already swam in it though. i'm the only one who has.
i got a new cell phone since the one i had died... my new one is a flip phone and has a pretty blue color, i love taking it out and looking at it, it's just so pretty :) and i also found the bootleg rolex my dad got for caitlin, and i've been wearing it to school. hopefully she won't make me give it back when she returns from africa. she bought you fabric, i guess we're going to mail it to you... i'll mak e sure it gets done by your birthday. and the way time is flying, that'll be in no time at all.
i was one of the first person to turn in the Model UN application essays, so hopefully i'l make it. Alex (the president of the Model UN, who i eat lunch with) said turning it in early helps. hopefully eat lunch with the presidnet does to. whatever helps me make it.
ok, i have a HUGE history project due monday and i think i should get started now. it was assigned a few weeks ago, but at least three days before it's due is a better time to start than the day before.
keep on sewin and cookin! man, i'm so jealous of whoever you marry. if only we weren't cousins...and i were a guy... whatever. i just want to eat Food by Kari every day. mmm.
Hi Kari, WOW! Where did you get all those buttons?
Cooking a lot ,eh? Keep jogging or else......
and always just eat a little bit.
The poor Kreugers'---little did they know that when they got an exchange student they would gain weight too. I'll lighten up on what I send you--if fact this time much less--some pbutter, and a couple other things.
Home from camp--the kids had a nice time. I came home and Zoe peed all over for a minute before I could get near her. Big daddy is eating again--not ravenously but he is eating--so maybe he won't die after all. I was worried he'd kick the bucket while Pop was gone and Kyle and what would I do with that giant dead ram in the yard???
I went to the native plant sale today---I bought just a few things---mostly for school. Pop called from Oregon--Ozzy is hunting with Dargo and Dargo is leaving her alone. He caught 5 rabbits yesterday. It is only in the 7o's here.
Wow that hair color is wild. You can tame the color by styling it softly conservative. You know a nice ponytail or french braid.. That way your face is featured and the hair is played down. I think I would have the ends trimmed off. You got a split end thing going on?
Hank is covered 360 in something way gross. I have no idea what he rolled it. But it looks disgusting. When I got up Sadie's pen was open--and she was in it!!! ANd she could hardly be coaxed out. funny ole hound.
Off to do my gradebook..
I love you, Mom
The ipod kit is here....Will send it all tomorrow.. It all came in a bigger box + styrofoam--which I removed for weight purposes
Love mom
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