If you have been reading this, you would know that I was eagerly awaiting changing my hair to blond...a natural blond is what I waited, and I figured it would be best to have it done at a salon, be a Friseur (hairdresser), since I knew that I would have to bleach it first since red it difficult to get rid of, and then dye it to the color I was hoping for. Well to make a long story short, really short...it didn't turn out how I wanted and now I pretty much have bleach blond hair except for little lights of a sort of strawberry blondish orangy color (which I actually like, because they tone down the brightness very slightly...but only when up close), which were aquired due to the use of a highlighter cap, so that the bleach didnt seep into my scalp which would have durt deathly bad. So the picture may be a little shocking, and it is still very shocking to me and am still getting used to it, even though I dont really like it. Have to wait at least 4 weeks to dye it again so it doesnt fall out, because it really will...but I think I am going to wait longer than that for the sake of my hair staying somewhat healthy. Besides, time flies, right.
But yesterday Stefanie and I went to Freiburg, for free I might add...our bus passes allow us to use the busses or trains and we can go to Basel, Switzerland, and Freiburg, and other places with them...pretty sweet! So we took the trail to Freiburg, which stopped through Basel, sadly it was in the industrial part so I didn't get to see the pretty part, since I hear it is pretty. But Freiburg was awesome...I liked it a lot. Better than Stuttgart. Smaller, although still a lot of people...the achitecture was prettier and there were more artsy stores, that I saw at least. I don't have time to post any more, as I got a little carried away writing an email to my Finnish penpal whom I havent written in a long time...so I will finish talking about Freiburg and other events another time. Until then.... Oh wait, I have to mention this: Stefanie and I rode the horses today and when we got to the top of the hill I look to the Southern horizon and scream with delight...''Die Alpen!!!' I shreak, ''Ich kann sehen!!!!'' For the first time since I have been here there wasnt clouds completely surrounding the horizon, and I could see the Swiss Alps..and they are HUGE and beautiful!!!! I gave Stefanie quite a scare, when I screamed. hehe. But I was just staring at them...and we are a good couple hours from them, but they were still huge...so I got a few pics of them from the top of Niedergebisbach, and that is the first pic included in this post, and then of a pretty building in Freiurg, and then of a church in Freiburg, and then my hair, and me with all my shopping bags, and my new shoes. The Alps are a bit hard to see, but they are visible. Oh man I really REALLY cant wait to go see them and be close.
Hi Kari,
Your pic w/new clothes, shoes and hair is darlin'. You look great!! Even your mom said so. We knew if you styled your hair it would be cute.
Love your photos, but had a hard time seeing the Alps. I will wait for a close up!
Mel, Korinn, me and Mandy all went to the "Texas Renaissance Fair". It was really wonderful. The fair owns their own property so it is all permenant, buildings, arena, stages etc. It is a huge fair, about 10x bigger that the Rdg one. It was very clean, well maintained and organize. Lots of shopping, which we did. Lots of people in costumes, lots of interesting personalities!! Mandy and I went to a Kings Wine Tasting, that was fun. Good wine and lots of "baudy" talk!!
I bought a really cute anklette, and we all got new earrings. They are called ear pins!! I will let Mel explain that one.
We watch a jousting match but it was pretty corny. The one in Rdg was way better.
The weather the last few days have been just perfect. About 80, no humidity at all and nights are in the 60's. Since we were gone all day, I left the back door open for the dogs so they could run in and out.
We also so a cool falcon show at the festival. The falconer man demo a redtail hawk and 1 hawk from Africa, a funky vulture from Africa, and local buzzzard. Most of the birds were rescue birds so they can't be re-release due to injuries etc.
Welp, that is our day!! It was good one, and now I am tired. Mel and Kor are swamped with homework!!
I got accepted into Univ. of Houston, so my homework free days are now numbered!!
later gator!
You kinda got a paris hilton thing going on.......
Well that pic you sent email was certainly dreadful, but on this site your pic is adorable. So I guess you fix up pretty good. Make lemonade with that head of lemons, dearie.
Big Daddy ate with interest today--maybe tomorrow he'll eat with enthusiasm a nd maybe on Tuesday with gusto. If he is all good by the end of the week , he'll get a surprise--a trip to ewe land!!!
When do you go to the black forest? I got you a couple very light bday presents today. I called Mel for o'er the phone advice.
Pop is doing the falconry thing in Oregon. Dargo laid waste to a dozen rarebits----now they are tidbits.
Describe the grocery stores in a blog/shopping etc.
Zoe is groaning and trying to get comfy on my lap while I type. I better move so she isn't put out.
Any snow yet? It's in 40's every night now. Even had to turn the heater on in my classroom today when I went in to work. I've been taking pics of BV for you to share.
Be careful with your camera--I dropped ours at camp. Still works but the batter door broke off. I think i can get it fixed. I was very lucky it didn't land on the lens since it was out. And it was on my wrist but the strap is funky. OFN... Love mom
Just read your last 4 enteries as I can't seem to sit down for long. Too much to do in the yard mostly but this weekend we had Breanna.
Did you know a girl named Tawny that was from Shingletown? She graduated with you. Her grandma is a friend of mine and Tawny is going to school in Canada somewhere Ithink on a hockey scholarship or at least hockey has something to do with it. Reason I bring this up is cause you mentioned how interested Germans were about the Pledge said every day. Well in Canada they thought every high school had things happen like Columbine! And they think Pres. Bush is really bad cause he didn't "save" the people in New Orleans! I will try to e mail you the letter maybe tomorrow.
I also must tell you I am thrilled to know you are so "taken" with sewing and cooking!!! Now...just the gardening you need to get into. Hey do you want me to get that material for you? The fleece?
Let me know.
Nothing exciting here altho you would have loved my workout the last two days. On our daily walk up here as you know there is little level ground well Breanna insisted on taking her bike...with training wheels and not knowing what a brake is for at first. So she would high center cause of the side wheels so I had to push her and then on the hills had to hold her by her collar to keep her back and steer as she goes the way she looks (like all women I think) so she would be running me not only at full speed down hill but usually off the road into the ditches! That is until she finally understood when I said BRAKE, I meant it. Well that was a problem too as she couldn't do it slow. She just a jammed them on and I would fall into her! Quite the workout! Glad she was only here for two days!
All for now. Love and blessings Granny
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