Couldn't have asked for a better, more fun week...wow. This last week was seriously one of the funnest times I have had in my entire life...after being here for a one and a half and being with them for a week of it was absolutely incredible. We all had the same thing in common, and were all their for the same reason. I know that I have already made friends that are going to last a long long time, and am already planning trips to visit others. Exchange students are awesome!!!!! I dont have time to talk about the entire thing but I will post some pictures. And mention a little. Friday evening when I got there I was informed that the others thought I looked like I might be a little ''mean'' lol...and the stereotypical california girl. Lucky things changed, after everyone talked to everyone. It was really crazy thought how fast we all got to know each other and just instantly could talk and all be friends. It was like magic. We spoke mostly English, or Danglish (Deutsch english), but I learned more German last week than I have any other week here. We were mostly all of the same learning level, so it was easier to communicate. The town was great...a beutiful little old town situated in a valley of the Schwarzwald. There were 20 of us: 9 from the USA (suprise surprise), 4 from Canada, and one from Mexico, Argentina, Brasil, Equador, France, Japan, and Thailand. And we couldn't have asked for better weather...it was sunny every day except the last, and we were only touring a city and then went to a big swimming/spa complex that was inddoors mostly, and had heated pools. The hiking wasnt that intense, mostly just walking on trails, but was still excellent fun and took 499 photos (that I kept on my card...I am in the process of deleted some). The youth hostel was fabulous...I've decided that I really like youth hostels....there were 6 beds in each room, and then a chill area downstairs, and also a room with mostly soundproof walls and a couches and tables and a ping pong table and a stereo system. We only got to use the music system one night...but it was still grand fun. There were nights staying up in that room until about 4am or so. It was awesome...we hardly slept. No joke when I say I that i think I got about 25 hours in 6 nights. Tried to pull allnighters the last 2 nights...gave in at 4am the first time and slept on and off probably roundabout an hour the second. Ah good times.... But i drank A LOT of coffee...and have decided that every latte machiatto or amarretto or capuccino is the best I have ever had in my life. Seriously they are so good here. I've never had a real latte back home but I am now thouroughly addicted. Anyway...so I have made some excellent friends, and its sad now to be back here because I am so far away from everyone. But that's ok, thats what a train is for!! Sorry everything I have written has been really random. I think the time has come that I am beginning to become an exchange student...meaning that I may not update much. But i will try...hopefully tomorrow I will feel like writing more. heheh. Now I am just waiting until December when we will all be together again...dont know yet what we are doing or for how long, just that we are, and it's in a city called Ulm, where 6 or 7 of the exchangees live. Lucky bums! All next to each other!
Mean? They thought you were mean? Don't they know you're not mean...you're pensive.HA!
Kari, I'm so glad you're having fun. Since you're trying to stay up the whole time, I KNOW you really having the time of your life.
Well, I'm having the time of my life also...I just had a wild cherry pepsi float, and Dargo just caught his 26th rabbit, which I promptly relased unharmed, but scared as crap.
Kyle's in Nevada at Sand Mountain, so I guess he's having the time of his life also. Blaine's fishing, so I guess he's having the the time of his life too. And then there's mom...she's having the time of her life sitting on the couch correcting papers. Sooo...I guess we're just one big having the time of our life happy family!Eh?
Why dont you load all those pics on a CD and send them home with MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT...which I'm assuming is an authentic aboriginal hand made blow gun complete with poison darts used to hunt monkeys in the forest of some african country. Yes I know you're not in africa, but I've always wanted one of those, so mabe you should jump ship and get an exchange to africa so you can please your father and help decorate the wall of my dream hunting cabin getaway in Christmas Valley Oregon.
Love Pop.
Obviously, I'm the only one left in the US who loves you as I'm the only one taking the time to read AND respond to your blogs.
So there Melanie! nener nener nener. Ah hahahah!
The Uncle
that's so unfair uncle troy. the past two days i've been curled up on the couch in pain. getting on the computer didn't even occur to me.
for some reason kari, the way you talk about the Black Forest trip makes me think of the yosemite trip (probably cause i just went this spring) - Really Amazingly Awesome.
i sent in my club application today!!!! my list of countries has changed considerably since i talked to you last - it's now 1.Brazil 2.Japan 3.Thailand - i've decided that i want to go somewhere other than Europe, and then when i'm in college attend a sister campus in Europe. that's the plan anyhow.... ahh! i'm so nervous! i want to know whether i've made it or not now, i want to know exactly where i'm going now, but i don't even find out if i'm going to be an exchange student for sure for months!!!
i tell you, i better make it. i don't think i've ever wanted seomthing so bad.
oh, and guess what? i got a 4.0 GPA this quarter. i haven't gotten that since freshman year. let's hope i can keep it up. because not only does a 4.0 look good to colleges, i get $50 from my dad :) haha. that made me very happy.
and nelene might be coming to texas for winter break!!! both of our parents said it was OK with them, so let's hope it actually works out and happens...
i'm glad you're having a good time. my mom said you might be switching to some sort of international private school?!? that's sounds awesome... then you would get to go to school with kids from all over the world.
i think it's funny that they thought you were the 'mean valley-girl' type - because you are the complete opposite. i don't know why, but that always amuses me.
ok, i need to go do my homework. i haven't done anything at all this weekend except moan.
love mel
Hey Kiki ahhh this is so hard to do, I just drove home from home (redding)and I drank one of those monster energyu drinks cuz it was night time and I didnt want to fall asleep and now Im tweaking out.. my vision is all shaky so Ive been reading your blog for a while but my vision jumps back and forth really fast its weird. I went to marine world with sherrie weekend and got really scared on the wooden roller coaster and told her i wouldnt go on any more but then she got really sad that i wouldnt go on anymore with her so i felt really bad and went on the scariest one with her to make her happy we waited i n line for an hour and then went on it it was called medusa I thought i was going to die it was really scary i was (hanging) next to an old black guy and he was screaming the whole time "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" it was hilarious but then I was about ready to pee my pants cuz im a panzy... I will never do that again. And i also went fishing with aaron i didnt catch any steelhead trout but it was way fun!! I accidentaly hooked a salmon but it broke my line ohw well.. it s way cool the creek is loaded with salmon its sweet. but i did catch trout at mccloud river more than aaron hahahaha!!! what a loser thinks hes a fishin guide. Id have to go with melanie with not going to europe for foreign exchange id go to some island and live with aborigines for a year that would be sweet. My world music teacher has taught us a lot about the different tribes in africa and it just makes me want to go there. They chase little piggys around in the ituri rain forest with nets it would be fun.. but im to tall they are all pygmys like under 5 ft tall or shorter so they can crawl around and not get clotheslined by tree branches. Or i would go to fiji or tahiti.. somewheere in indonesia would be awesome or mabey go to papa new guinea and live with headhunters where they use the bloguns to shoot monkeys like pop wants... yup yup well im gonna go to bed !!!PEACE OUT
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