Well I found there was this cool button on my camera that I can push and it makes closeups, on things like flowers, much better quality. So I got a little carried away lying on the ground outside my room peering at the camera screen taking many photos at various angles of the same flower. And the other day when Karola and I went to the market fest thing in Herrischried, we got to stop in the middle of the street for a cow crossing...so I took the opportunity and took a couple pictures hehe. Oh, and a blacksmith (like a real genuine blacksmith), gave me a nail that he made right there in front of me. It was so cool...and you can tell the nail was made by hand...I am going to hang it on my blazer, ohhhh yeah. Oh and I have realized how powerful the batteries I have for my camera are. I bought a 4 pack, and have only changed them once...so I am still working on the second too and have also discovered that the battery charger we got the 3rd day I was here doesnt work. stupid thing.
bahaha, i'm the first to comment on this one.
i love taking close-ups! i always feel so talented, and they're so pretty. that flower is gorgeous. and the cows are just silly. cows in the road? what nonsense.
in about 10 minutes i'm leaving for a Rotary meeting in downtown Houston. ! exciting! i think i'll get an application (or at least a due date) today. i certainly hope so.
i hope there are a bunch of cute foreign guys there.... i mean, i hope there is a lot of information there.about being exchange student. to a foreign country. where there are cute brazilians.... hhmmm.. yes, i'm feeling decidedly teenage-ish today.
my lips are chapped. i think i shall go place chapstick upon them, and then depart for yon roatry meeting.
ok! keep taking pretty close-ups.. i like them. and what is with you taking pictures of european cows? it seems to happen to you more often that it does for most people.
love mel
hey kari i haven't posted on here in a really long time. i usually just read all your blogs then write you and email, but i shall write you right now this time. so i like the pictures of the cows it was hilarious. i thought it was so funny/random that i have it as my desktop right now. partly as a laugh and partly because i think of you when i see it. so you need to post a close up of your new shoes next so i can get a better look at them. so i've been checking up on joe for you and he's doing good and says hi. ummm i lobe you, i lobe you, i lobe you!!!
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