Wednesday, February 08, 2006

78° in redding!!!

I AM SO JEALOUS OF THE WEATHER IN REDDING: i am so sick of the cold. i just checked the weather for redding...supposed to be 78 today, 26 in celcius, and here, its snowing, and cold cold cold. definitely below zero thats for sure, because its darn cold, and i got to sit in it in Rickenbach (another village where i had to change buses) for 20 minutes waiting for the late bus driver to come. and the snow is dry, so i know its below zero. and windy. and I WANT WARM WEATHER. and pop, I didnt delete your post, I honestly dont know what happened. But dont get the ideas that I am ignoring the video camera...I just have to find a time to video. I'd like to get the surrounding area here, niedergebisbach that is, but not in this weather. its waaay prettier when its sunny, and well, you can see 30 meters ahead. and yes, i will get manfred to explain the heater thing. believe me i have NOT forgotten it, but I just have to get the times right. once this tape it full, i will be sending it. but qustion? how are you going to view it? does gpa ken have a camera that can play the tape or something? anyway thats all for now.

oh ye.....CATS WAS AMAZING: for anyone that hasnt seen that musical and has a slight interest in musicals, it is a MUST SEE. of course, here it was in German, so I didnt understand that much considereing it was sang...but nonetheless. the Rotarians I was with even told me it is difficult to understand, so just like trysing to interpret english musicals with very loud BEAUTIFUL music. the danzing and singing was absolutely incredible. i wish i could danze and sing and act....looking back on this i realized i spealled dance with a z, hah germans rubbing off on me...''Tanzen'' = to dance. muhauhauahuh


Anonymous said...

i love musicals, they're so fun. you'll have to see The Producers when you get back, it's hilarious. and there are germans! haha.

i hope i can somehow see your video when ou send it back to redding. seems difficult, but maybe i'll manage to get my mom to let me viist again before BRASL.

lately i've been reading alot about communism and socialism. verry interesteing, really. i've never really thought about government so much. probably the political influence of my lunch peers. tomorrow and friday i get to miss school to go to the Model U.N. conference in downtown. it's at univerisity of houston, where mom is taking classes, so she might stop by tomorrow to see me, and if i'm finished by seven we're going to go to a seminar (sp?) together on Study Abroad progrmas for college (!!) because -- guesss...

mom is thinking about attending a sister school of U of H in mexico or south america next summer, and tkaing the whole family with her! i'd get back from brsail, and then spend the summer in a spanish speaking country while mom goes to college... oooooh. it;s too good; it can't work.but still... oh dreaming. ok

well, i love you and even if it's too cold in germany i hope you keep having a kickin time. it's usually about high seventites low eighties here. but it's not too humid, so i'm ok. i want to ride my bike...or climb a tree...hmm..

love love


Anonymous said...

Hey kiki De La Garzo! umm I said Garzo... I meant Garza.. Guess what its really warm here in Humboldt!! Hows that make ya feel.. I almost wore shorts today but didnt because its cold in the morning when I ride my bicleta to escuela.. A mi me gusta cazar y pezcar... hahaha I wonder if thats right.. Im sure aunt Kathy will correct me.. Umm guess what I know how to say fly fishing in french.. hold on I gotta find my fish class binder... brb its (Pesh a la moosh) (Spelling subject to error) Well today was cool when I got home from school instead of sitting inside while it was sunny I stayed outside and worked on the new bike I got.. It had some funky chicken handle bars. so I switched my old handlebars onto the new bike and now its much more comfortable and doesnt look so 80's anymore, and I took off the mickey mouse bell.
Melanie that was pretty random you wanting to climb trees... I was drinving back here to humboldt from redding the other day and saw a guy up in a pine tree about 100 ft in the air.. he climbed up to watch workers demolish the mountain side with the "Shark" which Im going to attempt putting a picture up for moma to see..[IMG][/IMG]

Anonymous said...

I too feel the urge to climb a tree

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari--hate to break it to you...but it's been 80 two days in a row! I was actually sweating.

Ozzie is in heat and your father let her go--he said, "i didn't think she'd run off!" She was gone for an hour! Then last night we found a yellow dog in the yard!!! SHe is really annoyed that she is being kept inside all the time!

I am trying to think if anything exciting happened. I guess not--I did get another pink slip at work--which was rather depressing.

Yes grandpa has a camera like yours so he can watch your video.

Better get to work on my school stuff. UGH!

Love mom

Anonymous said...

First..Blaine, tu espanol es perfecto!!! Muy bien!!!

Well, ya'all is chatting about warm weather, which is seeminly the norm around here, it is pouring rain currently and a COLD front is suppose to be coming in behind the rain. In fact Uncle Paul just informed me that the temp has already dropped 10 degrees. Suppose to drop to the 20's, by Sunday, not sure if I believe it yet. But I have heard if we don't get a freeze or two the bugs will be twice as bad in the spring, so bring on the freeze. The bugs here can get pretty intense!!!

Mel and I went to the "go to school abroad" fair yesterday. So know I am trying to figure out how to move to Mexico or somewhere in Latin Amer. for a total immersion. Just for a year or so. I want to take everyone and the dogs!! I just can't bare to leave my little Wilson behind. Maybe a house swap is in order!!

Tonight the Olympics start!! Yahoo..and to prepare for the big event. We just got a new 50" Sony LCD tv!!! I am so excited!! With my old eyes, I needed a bigger screen!! Our last tv has lasted 15years or so, hope this one does too!! I just wish my eyes would last that well.

Adios mi familia....
love you all

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the oldsters of yesteryear ever saw anything on tv with those teensy 20" televisions?

Well at the ole homestead, Y'all's gonna have to break out a magnifying glass to see our
lil' ole 19incher at hoo It really sends Kyle bonkers when the color flickers to an array of color shades. it is like the tv has mini strokes--but it pops right out of it.

Popsy Woppsy is eating a bratwurst fer dinner. The snappers have a stealy eyed bead on him should his fork go astray and a morsel drops.

Off to more college stuff--I am almost done with me 2nd course! Another one bites the dust....

Love mum

Anonymous said...

Okay, sister dear, you gotta upgrade that 19 incher.!!!! Eventually your eyes will fade too!!

All this weather talk, on tonight news, freezing weather is predicted and it is predicted in HOURS!! suppose to only freeze for 4 hours in Houston. I had never heard that before. Since we are close to the coast, we aren't suppose to actually freeze, not even in minutes!!

Off to watch the olympics!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Youngsters...not just Kari that means... Just be thankful you have a tv at all... You know you can live without one!!! Reading, gardening, talking to one another!!! All that is OK! Quite giving poor ole Kari and all the other youngsters a hard time!!!
Looking after you'al...Granny

Anonymous said...

I agree with Grandma. When the 19 incher be it. Who needs a TV anyway. ...Just as mom is argueing with me about replacing ours as it is screeching loud static noise.

Love Pop