Where we hiked to...the sign. hehe
Left to right: Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau, which is the highest, although it looks shorter.
The high point is where we had hiked up to.

Goofy picture of me pointing to the Jungfrau hehe. I was so hot, after hiking up and considering how many layers i had on (thick tights, spandex leggings, puma soccer pants, snow pants, 3 pairs of socks, t shirt, long sleeve, sweatshirt, snowboard jacket)
Ben, Julia, and Me on the top of the world, almost.
We had just hiked for 15 minutes up hill in snow with snowboards so i was standing and taking it in...i was hot. well wait a minute, nevermind that was half way up, because you can only slighly see the mountains. amazing...we were at the top of the gondola, couldnt see anything but white and brightness, alhtough the sun was gone, then we hiked up this little trail and could see everything and was 10 times brighter.
15 minutes?? You look as if you spent all day at it.......
I am glad you are sending pictures that way I never have to even think of going up there!! I like flat! WEll that isn't right either. Oakdale was about as flat as it comes and I never did know east from west or north from south as there were no land marks. Guess I just am getting lazy in my old age not wanting to exert energy unless it is on some plant project!!! Which reminds me I need to get out to green house and water! love and blessings Granny
Wow, what great memories and beautiful pictures. More desktop choices. One of my kids in class said we have cool desktops on our computers. Four of them are your germany pics.
We had a gully washer yesterday. 6inches of rain in 30 hours. The pond reached an all time high--Pop and I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about the dam breaking and all that water washing our road out for miles. It was pouring, thunder, lightning and 45 mph winds. Finally it let up. Morning brought us relief--the digger pine on the pond blew over, the downhill side of the spillway is 24 " deep! The water moved almost all the rock down to the bottom. We will have to start a concrete spillway now. Cardoza's driveway almost washed away too --the water rose over the top of their driveway. They just had a lot of rock work done from the damage from the New Year's storm. Some rock washed away, but it definitely saved their road this time.
Did I tell you your fajah let Ozzy go when she was feelin' frisky? "I didn't think she'd run off!!" he declared. She was gone for an hour. If she hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing, she'll bless this world with designer dogs--labrerriers. Mini yellow labs with terrier tenacity. The yellow lab from a mile away hung around for a week or so. (not Winston)
keep sending the posts. Love, mom
WoW Kari, those pics are beautiful! And the people pics are great too. I hope you are saving even more to disks to bring home when you come.
I'm so glad you posted. I was starting to think you gave up, so I opted to harass your Kouzin Melaskitichitas blog for the last couplke days. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Do all you can, but be careful.How many more days till eurotrip?
Hola chica,
just wanted to say...wowowowoweeeeeee cool pictures. I can't imagine such incredible mountains!!! Next week I fly to Seattle to hang out my gal pals from our old subdivision, so I will see the Cascades. Of course, here, we have had only 1 week of true winter weather, now it is back in the 80's!!! Sunny and beautiful...jealous yet????
I gotta go hit the books, I have a huge history mid-term tomorrow.
love you
Sorry Kari
Guess I'll have to have mom pre-read my post's for now on. Got kinda tacky I guess. I promise in the future I'll try to keep my mind out of the sewer. So can we wipe the slate clean?
My appologies to anyone I may have offended with my post. For those fortunate enough not to have read the post, it was a post discussing Americas wasteful tendencies, backpacking, Caltrans, and front to back ratios. That is all.
Love you Kari
ps..My usage is still far belowe the national average.
Don't get caught up in responding to such rott. It will surely catch up with you some day.
Love pOP
mine was about school it was wholesome and funny.
nice pictures, Kari, I'm jealous. I didn't get into any snowy mountains. And, your dad is great, haha. i tested...2 squares. ok, comment over.
haha here i am commenting on my own blog. thank you brent for boosting my dads ego. by the way pop brent is an exchange student here from oklahoma. and he thinks you are very hilarious. i guess that means since hes in my time zone he read the post you left before i deleted it...
Dang, I didnt get to read it. Must have been quite controversial.
Trust me---it was a post that certainly would appeal to most men.
I can tell you this, the content was realted to toilet trivia, inspired by a show on Discovery channel. Enough said. As for the Kari's bog, in my opinion, a little T.M.I.
Joe, I am sure Kari has a copy she can share with you. Since you share a commonality or two, I have no doubt you can relate.
Kari's mom--who did not approve...maybe it is the teacher in me surfacing ......
It appears my undecidedly controversial post has contributed to a record number of comments on Kari's blog. Perhaps I should start my own blog. An un-censored blog. No nagging wife/teachers glaring over my shoulder. No committedly moral teenage daughters fearful of peer rejection removing my post's.
Humm...I think I'll call it
"Troylet in the Toilet"... a blogsite for conservation minded abstract thinkers and non conformists.
Ok Ok Kari...I'm done with it already.
dang it, I miss it too!! Well, what ever dear, troylet you said, got the posting up and running...18 post, now 19,gottabe a record.
So why did Blaines wholesome comment get deleted???
All I gotta say it, toilet paper was meant to be used!! SO ...use it!!!
love you all wacky family of mine
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