well it snowed about a foot last week and so that was pretty afterwards. i am really happy now though because it just rained a whole bunch so abotu half of its gone. i cant wait for it all to be gone...then i just have to wait on the warmer weather.....i almost teared up today, litterally...it was 10° C!!!! havent felt that warm of weather since around the beginning of november!!!! I think weather makes me the most emotional these days...litteraly...like the first time it snowed, tears literally came out of my eyes I was so happy. then about a month ago we had a lot of sun and i just went outside every day and sat there and took it all in. and then last night i went and trotted around a bit outside in the rain, becasue half the snow was gone and i was glücklich. then this afternoon after mittagsschule (afternoon classes) i was walking to the bahnhof (bus/train station) and it was so warm outside! like 50!! it had rained a bunch, and it was the afternoon-after-the-rain-weather...like spring soccer weather...really blue sky with pretty clouds everywhere a little breeze. i took my scarf off!!! but yes, these are some of the pics i took on monday when it was nice weather after the new snow. actually the pic of me was 2 weeks ago. went spazieren gehen (for a walk) with 2 friends in Herrischried to the Gugelturm (a tower thing) where we could see a lot.
I'm actually the first to comment on a post! Wow! Great pictures, I would want to trot around in that area, for sure, haha. And I want to see Basel, haha...weekend? haha, we could even only speak German. Ok, enough of comment.
Wonderful pictures kari. I can understand being sick of the snow after that long. They are giving redding a possibility of snow for tomorrow, that should be interesting.
Yup Kari... its suppost to snow over here in de mountains!! Me and Aaron are going fly fishin on Sunday in Douglas City on the trinity River... its gonna be a cold one.. last time we did that our fly line would freeze to our fishing pole guides so we would have to pick the ice off before we could cast again... that was about every half hour.. anyways it was suppost to snow in arcata.. but they canceled that one. Last night it was 35 degrees!!!! INSIDE!!!!! not outside.. yes in mi casa! luckily I left the heater in the bathroom overnight so when I woke up I ran inside there to the warmth and took a shower.. anyways umm I shall study!
Oooh...nice pics--ready for my computers at school. Today I got all five online and on printer network. Whew! What a job. Two more big jobs and they will be all set. It's cold here--34 now--Kyle and I hauled in a bunch of firewood and now we are praying for snow. That would be awesome! That's it for news on the homefront.
Love mom
Dearest Kari, and a message for Joe..
Kari! How wonderful! I understand you are in training for snowshoe-archery competition! That's incredible. Do you think your trainer recognized your natural borne archery ability handed down to you through your fathers genes? That is sooo cool. So now that your natural borne ability has finally resurfaced, I will bequeeth you with thyne final words of archery wisdome. Anchor, Aim, Release, Followthrough. In my opinion those are THE four key simplified components of a perfect shot. When I used to compete, those were the four things I always reminded myself to concentrate on. And after all...your father was an award winning competive target archer at the top of his class for many years. Why did I give it all up you ask? For my family of course.
Anyway, archery is really much more complicated than that...very very psycological...a mind game, much like golf. But take my word for it, if you want to make a living playing a game, I'd opt for golf. Humm...just thought of something. This biathalete-snowshoe-archery thingie is quite a lot like bow-hunting. It requires the psycological skills involved in making a good shot as well as having significant physical demands. Humm...I think I see the posibility of a deeply entrenched but socially supressed killer instinct wigling it's way loose your chromosomes as well! We'll get you signed up for hunters safety as soon as you get home. Maybe I'll take you hunting to ehem..the lake without a name...
Now for Joe....
Joseph. I understand you sent Kari flowers...all the way to Germany! Well, secretly I can't say I'm not impressed, but don't you know what you've done! You've ruined the anti-flower giving standard within the Nicolls family! Hasn't anyone ever told you NEVER send flowers unless absolutely necessary. What constitutes absolutely necessary you ask? Only 2 things I can think of. 1 Cheating. 2 Harsh words you wish you never said. THAT'S IT! Me, I am very proud to say that in over 23 years of marriage and 3 years of courtship(dated word for dating or whatever you call it nowadays), I've only had flowers delivered once...and no, it wasn't for cheating.
You see, what you've done is set a precedent...a very expensive precedent...one you'll have to uphold as long as the relationship last's. Hell! maybe longer as I really don't know how this flower giving works within that segment of society that practices such foolishness. Anyway, that you've messed up is your own business and you will pay the price as long as you live. My true concern is the possible ramifications your action could have on the rest of the family, namely ME! You are probably thinking I'm just being selfish and unthoughtful, but you see...I have experience in this matter.
Over 25 years ago I made a similar mistake (but not nearly as expensive as yours). I, in a love drunkened stooper, gave Michelle a beautifuly drawn, incredibly thoughtful, handmade Christmas Card. Probably one of the most grave mistakes I've made my whole life. Now...every valentines, every birthday, every mothers day, I'm EXPECTED to make a card. AND SHE"S NOT EVEN MY MOTHER(although I was probably young enough to be her son when we met). So, it's not like I haven't made the same mistake, I was just hoping you were a little smarter.
But then again...
Kari's worth it.
The Father
hi kari it's yer cousin aginan my e;yes areclosed right now typing vlind is rellu hard . caitlin is putting makeup in mh eyeids so i cna't look at the keuboard.
.... ok. sorry. it was mac makeup though. she got me mac eyeliner (!!) and some purple eyeshadow.
those pictures are georgeous!!... i was up all night orking on a history project, i'm really tired. i think i'm onna take a nap now.
love love mel
Regarding the Flowers:
Only after the fact did I realize the position I had placed myself in. However, I have come to terms with my future obligation to outdue myself, I think. The burden I may have placed on you and the rest of the family is my only regret.
Okay, I have to weigh in on this flower business....In my opinion....not only should young men send flowers to the ones they care about they should also, CLEAN THE HOUSE, do dishes etc. I have taken polls on this..women love men who clean house, do the dishes and they also love to be spoiled with flowers once in a while.. not just ONCE in a life time!!!! So Troy, give my sister a break, WOW her with your domestic, flower giving side that we all know exists in your tiny little cockle of a heart!!!!! :*)))) Although, I have seen some of those cards over the years, and they are just delightful, so your okay inspite of the lack of flowers!!!!!
I am proud Joe broke with tradition...he is a true pioneer!!!!
Hi Kari, way cool photos. Bummer your tired of the cold already. Guess the snow is funner to visit than live in. Isn't your big Euro tour coming up soon??
Today is Mel's bday, and she stay home this morning to finish her project that was assigned a month ago that she procrastinated on till last night.
Hence why she is tired. So my gift to her was skipping school this morn. She assures me that nothing was happening anyways!!
Off to keep cleaning my casa, esta muy sucio. dirty!
Hugs and love
aunt kathy
Wow, Pop generates some really provocational missives! I won't be weighing in on those time consuming "issues" for now--way too complex. (Kathy has a few good points tho)
I am home early from work----one time Manning went home on time and her husband seriously asked her if their was a bomb threat. She asked him, "Why, was there one?" to which he repled, "No, you are actually home on time!"
There was no bomb threat today either but, the electricity went out 2 hrs ago, so I left. And I had all five of my new computers running windows updates and ....POOF!
I thought I would grade all afternon but I Can't get anything done with the kids bugging me.
Alas, we had no snow. Dirty shame. But I guess it is good for Blaino's trip across the mtns.
Zoe is bugging a pair of honkers on the pond. Maybe they are considring this nesting ground again.
Worky worky time
Love mom
Oh Kari!!!
What a Father you have!!! I about busted a gut laughing when I read the thing about flowers, courtship and cards!!! First off I must hope that he reads this cause if he were to have thought back he could have always and still could pick flowers in the yard here anytime. Right now the daffodils are spectacular! & guys took bouquets to girl friends from here on Valentines day. I even supplied the vases as I seem to have an abundance of them. But I must say the cards, even tho they seem to be a strain are such a great tradition!! And just think how they keep his mind working!
Most of all it is fun to read this blog and comments cause you learn so much about people!!!
Gotta go...love and blessings Granny
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