Thursday, January 12, 2006

swiss people

My lovely mother wanted to know special interesting cultural tidbits about switzerland and the swiss people and this is what I wrote her, word for word....

no prob....and about the swiss. hmmm well seeing as everywhere we were was mostly other people (mostly germans on vacationg, or french or italian or american or english or every kind of person in the swiss alps...) i didnt really pick up anyhting special about the swiss. i can tell you what i know: they have a very high literacy rate, very very high standard of living, many are rich, switzerland is expensive (ex: kebab (popular turkish food) is usually around 3 or 4 € in switzerland its around 10 francs, as low as 8 or as much as 15, thats for 10 swiss francs, is 6.66€. its pricy...i got a capucinno and it was 6,50 francs. wow thats like 4 euro.)....emmm.....they dress really cute, the stylish ones anyway, everywhere in switzland are bikes that you can borrow for free, they are extremely talented at put the train system anywhere they can possibly imagine...the tops of mountains, through mountains, enginieering, there are also a lot of famous doctors that come from there, they speak cool...the german anyway, swiss german, is AWESOME sounding, they also have a lot of types of cheeses like the french, they, like all europeans (despite not being part of the euro union) are very open about nakedness, they have 4 national languages, hmmm i think thats all i can think of at the moment....i am just waiting for you to write me back and tell me to blog this! too bad i already did, or am going to just to make you kari


Anonymous said...

simone could add to this, eheh.

guess what? i found out where i'm going to be living while in brasil!!!!

northern sao paolo state, in the smaller city of ARACATUBA. i couldn't find much information on it, just that they raise lots of cattle and brew alcohol, so i'm writing to a rotex guy who was also in aracatuba and a kid who is there currently to find out more.

aracatuba, district 4470... here i come!

love mel

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel, good thing you already know how to much out the sheep pen. Only one BIG difference...quantity of manure!

he he your am

Anonymous said...

Oh Kari, thank you so much for appeasing your mother. I am sure everyone else is thankful too. If nothing else your blog puts a smaile on our faces. And that is such a small price for spreading happines...don't you think? Love mom

Anonymous said...

Blaino Says
Fish on... wheres my flies.. Im dissapointed...oh well... I go back to school on Tuesday that so totally sucks!!!The good word is my buddy Thomas said that I could borrow his longboard to ride around Arcata so that aught to be fun kicking around Arcata in the rain... Its currently raining here in CA and all the rivers are to muddy to fish.. So me and Zoe Zoe are hitting the sack..

Anonymous said...

It's raining in Tejas!! I start college tomorrow and I am so excited...GO COUGS. I learned that at orientation last week!! Gotta have school spirit.

What wonderful fun your having and I enjoy reading your reflections on what your seeing.

Life around here is flying by, Uncle Paul has a way of keeping me crazy busy... Caitlin already got a job!! Can you believe it, Friday 2pm she goes for a app, and by 3pm she has a hostess job at Kemah Boardwalk (a tiny version of Pier 39 in SF) resturant called the "Aquarium". It is a nice eatery so hopefully she will get lots of tipsl!! She starts school tomorrow as well.

I am trying to find info out on the net about Mel future town but so far, I am not seeing much.

This weekend is all Rotary fun. Sat. meeting is near here,and Sunday's meeting is 2hrs away!! Texas adventure time.

Keep posting, lots of really truly enjoy your adventures!!!

Love you darlin'
your ak