Last Monday I went to Switzerland for 4 straight days of snwoboarding after being invited from friends from school. It was a m a z i n g. We were staying in the little village of Lavin, in Engadin (a region). only 4 of us snowboarded all day for the 4 days we had to snowboard...i was one of them muhuha and man was i tired. but it was so worth it. actually the last day i rented snow blades because ive been wanted to try them out for a long time and they were SOOOO FUN!!!!!!! second run i went off some little jumps and i could even slightly parallel ski. the weather was downright beautiful couldnt have asked for anything more. It was incredible and the snow was perfect.... i will continue tomorrow....on my last day of winter break....
what else is there to say except..WOW!!!
Lucky dog!!!
oh my frickhen goodness. yowzers! merlins beard! those photos are AMAZING. incredible. it makes me wish a little bit that i were going to switzerland instead of brasil... but only a little bit. for the most part i'm more like 'GAH! BRASIL!' and then my brain goes 'nuh nyuh gu gahe' cause it loses the capacity to think bcause of the excitement.
i have to give a speech to rotary about brasil, and i have to give one or two sentences in portugese. crikey. i'm sure i'll get through it ok, though.
ok, i'm gonna go. i'm hungry.
love mel
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