so thers a goofy picture of me with my oh so totally decked out blazer. and a euro scarf. so addicted to those thigns but i only have 2. - and sorry mom, i think a blog and picture about me separating my garbage would be a little weird. but yes, i do...plastic, paper, compost, everything.
Hey there, thats a lot of flare you got there karebear.
That Rhymes
I should be a rhymer lol.. is that a word? My fly should get to you as soon as mom sends it with the cd's.
Holy cow kari, It rained so stinkin hard last night it woke me up at 2:30 AM and there was thunder and lighting, and I had to fears being struck by lightning and hail peircing a hole through the plastic vents in my trailer and nailing me in the head and killing me... not really that part, it just sounded good.. I think another thunder storm is coming though since I just heard more thunder. I have to go to skizool so bye for now.
Woah Blaine beat me to the flare comment, darn; that was my motivation.
Actually you look mad like your mom. Funny.
If you sat on a swing in the dark and twirled around while your eurofriends flickered a flashlight on you, you'd rook rike a disco ball!
Wow! Talk about recycling. When you bring that jacket home, we'll just take you straight to north state recycling and turn that metal laden coat straight into cash! think of all the natural resources you could save mankind from raping the earth of...again. I think it may actually pay for your plane ticket. Especially at the price of scrap these days.
Oh, a note of warning...be careful when you sit down wearing that thing. Could be kind of like sitting on a cactus.
Enough about your "pieces of flair"
Mom and I are going to Christmas Valley this weekend to stake out the property and establish the whereabouts of your high desert inheritance estate. Mom bought wood laminate flooring today for the kitchen/dining room.
The puparooskies are currently sitting in moms lap, living the life of luxury.
Shiela almost caught her 5th jackrabbit this evening, missing it by only microseconds.
Kyle is working on his buggy and his hair is still getting longer..snip,snip.
Blaine is feeling sorry for himself as he is back in school...getting to do exactly what I was robbed of in my youth!
Oh yeah...I just thought of something off the top of my head. When you're over there...on your own, or with others (man cubs in particular), consider these KEY QUESTIONS that I just thought of...
1 Is this a risky situation?
2 Am I being pressured?
3 How would my parents feel about this?
4 Is this consistent with my (and my fathers) values?
5 What effect will this have on my future?
6 What other choices do I have (that will more please my father)?
Some positive values you may consider...again off the top of my head...
Equality and Social Justice
As you probably realized, these are the values your father has obviously chosen to live his life by, but may also be explained in detail at the Search Institute website at www.search-institute.org or by phone at 1-800-888-7828
I love you kARI!!
Pop is a poser..he stole all those character suggestions from one of my school papers. I think I will pass that one out to my little darlings at school.
Gosh Kari--it is funny Blaine Kyle and I-- all thought about you and your "little piece of flair" when we saw that jacket.
My 2nd thought is that you look different...and like me--but prettier. Younger too.
Now about that recycling...I onject to your comment. Recycling is important and it is such a cultural difference. I mean, we don't sort our trash like you described.
Are ya tired of the cold? It is still raining here...lots of rain, but I like it.
Off to grade papers... Love you, Mom
Pop is weird.....
Blaino out
Hola Mi Familia!!!!
Kari, I adore all your flair!! but I have to wonder, is it heavy??? I agree with our mom, you have change, a more mature "womanly" Kari!!! I just know your snickering at me, see I know you!!!!
Well, my school is done and I am so glad. I am so tired. I am trying to work out before I drive to school at 7:15am, so that means I am at the gym at 5:30am'ish. By noon I am so tired. Your mom is giving me hints to stay awake!! I don't know how she has done it all these years.
Did your mom tell you that Rip Ash died Jan. 10? They started a fund for a soccer field named in his honor at the new PC park. Your mom found out he had some heart malfunction and that he died in his sleep. I still can't believe it. Just reminds us to treasure each day as we never know when our time will come.
This weekend is all Rotary for us. Our first long term rotary orientation event all day Sat. then on Sunday we drive 100 miles from here for a host family appreication dinner. Mel says she thinks there will be a flag ceremony and she might carry the Brasil flag??
Well, my darlin' Wilson is demanding attention!! SWhe missed while I was at school!!
hey there kari!
i can't see the computer screen right now because Kitten is sitting in front of it, mewing at me. i think she wants something.... probably a super cool rotary blazer slathered in flair!
like mom said, we've got all rotary stuff this weekend. tomorrow is Long Term Student Orientation Number One (wow, long title) and i have to give a speech on brasil with one to two sentences in portuguese! i have to write that sometime tonight, yikes...
i had a model u.n. meeting yesterday. there's going to be this conference in early february, and i get to miss two days of school to represent disarmament for Zimbabwe :) neato. and since it's through the school, they're excused absences.
ok, well, i'mm gonna go write a speech or feed the cat or somthin.
First of all I see I am late in reporting in on this comment session. I think you look great!!! And that you should continue wearing the blazer with all its glitter, glamor and memoriblia when you get back here! It certainly will be an attention getter and that is not all bad for Rotary!! And what the heck, it tells what fun time you had! A tribute to the Rotary!
I do feel bad that your dad feels robbed of his youth. I was, evidently oblivious of what was gong on and what was important at that time in my life....well maybe I have been that way all my life. But I was of the era of...you graduated, either went to school to become a teacher or got married. Actually, I failed at both. But in the mean time as I was married...that meant you had kids. I did, wait, I do love my kids!!! Your dad being such an easy one to raise...maybe he just raised himself. I do feel bad he feels cheated of his youth. Wait...maybe not just cause of me...maybe cause he married young. But your mother has been and is a jewel! I think your dad needed to learn more than I knew how to teach him. I really was quite sheltered during my growing up years.
Well I have had this confessional time...on your blog! Heaven for bid!!!! I just hope some time in my life I make it up to your dad!!!
Well we too can say...we were struck!!! Yep. I think thursday we had hail so hard,,,really hard. And that dumb rooster, Specks still chose to roost on the leafless mulberry!!! And still continues to peck on his son who got let out by some unknowing visitor who thought he got mistakenly locked in the cage!! Now he is again being harassed by his father!!! Back to hail It hailed!!! Big time. About 4 p/m. The whole back yard and front yard, tables chairs, pu bed , everything was white like snow!! No green showing. Guess it was just in this area from what I hear! STayed frozen all the next day Hail as big as peas.
Snow, oh yes. today at Mt. Shasta your one and only cousin Daniel won the championship snowboarding in the 9 to 13 year old class. He won a trip to Vermont and entry into the ski competition !~!!! I am excited for him. I am working on how he/someone can go to it. drop him an e mail at heinzdanzberger at snowcrest.com
Have fun and don't worry about all those things your dad tells you. I made it...just keep the Lord in your heart. All works out...just ask me I am a living witness!!! Granny
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