That is Bruna (Brazil) and I, and then from left, Morgan (Canada), Me, Belen (Argentina), and Bruna. I know I haven't posted in a long time, quite a long time, so I guess I will now. Since I last blogged...hmmmm...well on the weekend of the 10th I was in Ulm again for another get together with the inbounds in our district. That was fun but I was sooooo cold the whole time. It was windy and had to be minus something degrees outside. Other than that it was good. It was so cool to see all the other inbounds...I would have to say we made quite a scene in the Ulmer Bahnhof (train station). The weekend went fast, but it's ok because last weekend was awesome beyond cool. We had a weekend orientation for all the kids going on the eurotour...it is organized by Rotex, which are all past exchange students...but from a district up north. The Rotex district takes kids from other districts whose districts dont have a eurotour...so all but 2 in my district are going on this one, along with some kids from the district above ours, in the stuttgart region, and also a few from Baveria. Well since the train ride was so long, I stayed at the house of another exchange student (Matt from Arkansas) who lives norht of me in a town in the Black Forest. The train was starting near his city pretty early, so that was easier. Well it was about 8 hours or more until we got to our destination, Holzminden, just south of Hannover. We were staying the weekend in the gym of a secondary school in the city. It was a pretty big gym...but if you can imagine 92 exchange students and about 10 Rotex (past exchange students, all around 18-24), it was CRAZY!!! There was a lot of English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and random outbursts of German, usually something like ''scheiße!!!'' or other things in German that the exchange students seem to learn before the grammar etc. hahah the joy of a foreign language....
Well the first night we played a few games...the funniest one being where we were split into 4 or so group and then had to make a chain of clothing as long as we could, with was we were wearing in about 3 minutes. That was funny hahahahah. I had a jacket and some super long soccer socks to add to the chain, and needless to say, we won!! Then the music got cranked up and people we dancing and being crazy till about 3 or 4 am when they turned the music off. Waking us up was blasting the music again at 7am...German music, haha. On Saturday we went ice skating then back to the school for lunch, then we got the information on the eurotour (90 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!). We all meet on the 24th of March (blainos bday!) in Hannover, then half go west and half east, but we all go to the same cities. We meet in rome for 2 or 3 days...wow that is going to be fun! Most of the kids in my district are all on the east tour so thats good. Then that eveing we had a christmas party so i was decked out in red and green woohoo! we danced and sang until 3 or 4 am and then got up early again to clean up and eat and a lot of people had to go home early. But oh man it was sooooo fun. I pretty much lost my voice then came home to a whole bunch of snow...new snow. I guess it snowed the entire weekend. well that weekend was sooo much fun----i lost my vioce but i have even more foreign friends now!!! Yep so thats the details for now. I gotta go because we are about ready to eat. ciao!
man kari!
gah! i'm jealous... i want to go to brasil NOW and go have fun at crazy rotary parties!
..... you just wait, i'll be going to crazy BRASILIAN rotary parties!
nelene is here! she got here last sunday - we're going to the zoo today. yesterday we had lunch at this really awesome buffet called Souper Salad, where they just have this huge salad/soup buffet... i loved it.
ok, we're leaving for the zoo now... keep on having the crazsy times so i can continue to be jealous!
love love
your cousin
who is going to live in brasil next year!
Dearest Kari
Surprise surprise...your car is on the mend.
Glad you're still having fun. Merry Christmas.
Love PoP
HI Kari,
what a nice update. Keep on posting so we can all get a feel for your new adventure. What is xmas holiday like in Germany? How good is the skiing there? Mt. Shasta has almost no snow, it is not looking good for us to squeeze in a trip up there next week.
Off to RDD tomorrow, so I can pester your dad in person. And I thought he was fixing up the car for me!!!!!
Love you
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