I am back from my eurotour and I cannot begin to even begin. it was, until now, the best three weeks of my life. it was absolutely unbeleivable, beautiful, amazing, insane, and too fast to imagine. i just got back last night, and no i really did not have time to ever leave a blog- so that means pop and blaine take back waht you said about me not posting. it wasnt my fault. and had i posted, it would have been super short with no pictures because usiong internet in a youth hostel is pricy. and also i had no time. i just went through my 1949 pictures and therefor dont really have time to post much but i promise i will in the near future. but i left one picture that im sure everyone can recognize....
Wow Kari, those are some crazy goggles your wearin... they are seriouslt bug eyes, when I look at you, you sort of remind me of austin powers, not sure why though... Hmmmmmm Piza looks cool, I remember Mr wills talking about when he stayed in a hotel thingy over there and when we took a shower the only two streams of water coming out of the shower head drilled him in the eye. Did that happen to you???
Welcome back to the blogosphere!! We missed you but thought of you often. Knowning all the while you were having a super duper time!! Love the photo of you holding up the leaning tower of pizza!!
I am going on a exchange too!! SO..you and Mel can't have all the fun. I am going to Mexico for 10 week, end of Sept till Dec 2. I am going to school there to get my basic spanish requirements out of the way, while being immersed and living with a host family. I have decided if I don't come back dreaming in spanish, and extremely conversational, then my old brain is made of cement!!
Can't wait to hear all your stories! glad you time was awesome and you are back home safe!
love and lots of hugs
aunty k
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