Pictures: from start:
Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco, me in Monaco, Versailles, Eiffel Tower

I decided I am just going to paste here the same thing I put in an email I sent to some people yesterday. Well I wrote quite a bit about the tour, just random things, so for the other people that somehow didnt see the email you can see it here....
i dont really know what to say i just dont but i am ahppy because almost all the snow is gone. but i just miss all the others that i became such good freidns with. and te best living in mexico, canada, switzerland, brasil, argentina, france, or the other side of the usa. and ja i made video but man i messed up and accidentally left it runing so there is no vienna or budapest whihc is a bummer. but there was no budapest anyway because the batteries were dead and no charger but in the hallway and i wasnt going to trust tha.t but i took a loottts of pictures sot hats good. thank good i have a 1 GB memory card. prag was beautiful and so was budapest and well everywhere was i cant realy say none of them were. well in lyon we were oly there a day and it kinda rained snowed on us but wahtever it was just alike a a stopover city between nice and paris. nice was beautiful and man is paris big. oh and i took a gondola in venice that was awaesome. the most money i spent was prolly on little things for my blazer and food and drinking neccesities.. buit that didnt help i was still sick as dead in budapest and ljubjliana....too dehydrated and too little sleep and whatnot. but ja everyone got sick one time or another. well i just wanted to drop a line i guess i wil be able to relate to the eurotour more in the future if things come up ever but i dont think i will ever be able to talk about it all jsut ebcause soooo much happened and it was just so incredible. oh and i saw the pope too! (and sadly fell asleep in his presence) and was in st peters basilica (wow wow wow wowwo wow ow wow wowo) and monaco, the richest country in the world, the eiffel tower sacre couer notre dame, brussels, ate a waffel and famous chocolate in belgium, leaned on the learning tower of pisa, went running in the morning in the beautiful tuscany surrounding florence...swam naked on the french riviera in the mediterranien sea in nice at night (then my towel dissappeared and ja all i had on were my bottoms...haha but hey its europe who cares) , was able to buy things for super cheap in budapest and ljubljiana and prag, altho i didnt take advantage of it as well as i could have. that was cool but unforttunately have a lot of extra foreign eastern europe money....that i couldnt change because ja i wouldnt ahve hardly got anyhting back. well good souvenir. ashley from canada and i made kissing pictures at every cool place. we prolly have about 60 of them. haha or more because they wouldnt turn out... well lets see other random things i can think of...mmm well i got pooped on by a verdamte pigeon in paris. and didnt know till like 10 minutes later and helen says,,, uh kari, hast du etwas in deinem haar? uhhh i touch it..ewwwwww.----nice french man let us use his ritzy furniture stores bathroom for 20 minutes to clean it out. and hmm i ate 3 banana nutella crepes they were amazing. lots of italian gelati in italy...in rome it was definitely the best. the farther south the better it gets. in florenz we had an amazing thunder storm so almendra (mexico) and i decided to be crazy like we are and go run through the absolutely deserted market platz...because it was amazing. right underneith the famous dome church in the city and not a person there who wasnt inside or under something. the rain and hail and thunder was coming down like crazy but we rain through it screaming and yelling things in german because it was so incredibly coooool. i got a different style portrait picture done of me on mont martre...that was very cool and cheap too. i went down the line with my french friend Morgan (she is an exchange studetn), saying 10 euro 10 euro and waiting to find a good one who wasnt asking 60 euro... and prag a couple of us played up a celebrity scene when the sun came out. we decided i was an olsen twin and then the others i was with came running after me screaming omg omg omg ashley i cant believe its you. it was hard not to laugh but i pulled it off good. i gave an autograph and then faked slapped one of the girls i was with it was so brilliantly funny. well ja hmm when other stuff comes to my mind i will post it.....
WOW It seems like you had the time of your life...when you have some time to process your trip you will have to write more about it. All the places you saw and visited must have been totally overwhelming! Did you go by train or fly or bus? WHAT? The pictures are reallly awesome. I can't wait for the huge slideshow when you get home.
Oh and congrats on the fashion show...you might just hit it big in Europe!
Sarah M.
Hola Chica,
I'm here in library at UH, suppose to be studying but I am surfing the internet. mostly trying to figure out what to do about cell service in mexico. I am also using my own new ibook laptop! YEP, I spluged on a new computer to use at school. UH is totally wireless, so I do homework or email anywhere I want!!
I totally enjoy reading about your adventures. Sounds wonderfully fun and silly. I can just see you posing at a Olsen twin, fashion show etc. You have been doing that fun stuff since you were knee high to a grasshopper. Did you include and paper bag clothes for the show???
Welp, back to mi tarea!!
hugs and love
howdy my coon eating sista, win u comin back ta dis neck a da woods? we kin invite all yer friends over to da house and throw another coon on the barbie, all be sure ta shoot anoter one a dem critters before u git back.
Ah neva nowed you was a coon eatar
howdy'yall...blaino yu's gittin back to yur familee roots!!???
dem coon sho is tastee. Pa's gittin all itchy just thinkin' 'boud dat smoked coon...
If'n dem coons sho' 'nuff start pesterin dem geese on da pond, we be shootin 'em good. Put 'em in da ice box fer yer comin' home partee...
How fun! Now that running thru the rain is something I remember doing. Even as an adult one time up here on the hill, in my crazier days...without clothes and hate to tell you who with!! But fun! Gone are those days as now I have all those rolls around my middle!!
Glad you are thru with snow. I wish we were thru with rain! And to think our "summer" move to Washington will prolong the rain!!
Granny Jean not doing well but at 96 one can not expect alot. I only hope you guys don't have to put up with me that long after all I may revert and will you guys be sorry... Well you'd probably have a few good laughs.
Keep up having fun!! love and blessings Granny
How fun! Now that running thru the rain is something I remember doing. Even as an adult one time up here on the hill, in my crazier days...without clothes and hate to tell you who with!! But fun! Gone are those days as now I have all those rolls around my middle!!
Glad you are thru with snow. I wish we were thru with rain! And to think our "summer" move to Washington will prolong the rain!!
Granny Jean not doing well but at 96 one can not expect alot. I only hope you guys don't have to put up with me that long after all I may revert and will you guys be sorry... Well you'd probably have a few good laughs.
Keep up having fun!! love and blessings Granny
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