Yesterday I went to Basel with a nonrotary exchange student from eugene oregon who lives in the next town over here...we were in a store, then come out and one of the main streets is absolutely full with people. Dressed in black, with masks on, shouting things in what I believe was Russian, and were carrying huge signs. Well it turns out it was a communist demonstation...anti democracy. We had no idea it was going to be happening, but there were a load of people there from news companies and stuff. I would guess there were approximately 2000 people marching through the streets of Basel...from all around the world, or just Europe perhaps, no idea. But they had signs in Gerrman, french, spanish, english, russian, turkish, and some asian languages. Lots of shouting in foreign languages too. Eryn and I decided to be as non american as possible at the moment. There was no violence, but still a little creepy. Really kinda surreal actually...Ive never seen anything like that...and these people were carrying huge picutures and flags with Stalin, Lenin, Ho Chi Mihn, Castro, Karl Marx, and Engels on them...and more that I forget or didnt recognize. They also had MANY signs with the USSR flags symbol, the hammer crossed with the sickle (yes I just looked that word up becasue I never knew what those things are called) and the star. you can see that on the top picture. so that was an interesting experience. and boooohoooooooooooooooooo i am saaaaddddd......my exchange is just about half over......cry.....