Thursday, July 03, 2008

I ate EEL! BBQ Eel, fresh scallops, fresh clams, a KING clam, and even a butterfly cocoon.

Well, butterfly cocoon was a bit, em fibery and proteiny, wasn't too keen on it. I liked the clams and scallops a lot. The eel was good too but I don'tthink I can eat it often because it is wayyy to fatty. Apparently eels have the most fat of almost all fish, and it's definitely true. When the little pieces cook, they curl up and so when you bite it, it almost pops in your mouth---too much oil for me though. The good part is that it's natual and not unhealthy because it is cooked over a grill. That was last night--mong's dad took mong and I to a bay-side restaurant (they are all along the bay, but it was outside; just tables under plastic canopies (because it rains a lot in the summer here)...nothin fancy, but fresh eel---then again any seafood here is fresh.

Tonite we went to a super nice buffet at the new City7 shopping/apartment/hotel complex. I think I may have posted pictures of it---ther are 4 or 5 super tall reallllly nice brand new buildings. They are studio apartments, hotel rooms, and business offices, with mirrored walls, very modern. Below there is CECO-the Changwon convention center, which is a super longgg building with clean tubes to walk from room to room, its cool. The buffet is there, its very new because all the restaurants and stores just opened 3 weeks ago. It was Mong's aunts birthday (his mom's sister) and so the entireeee family came---there were about 30 people including 8 2 to 10 year olds, who were very fun to play with. The food was excellent, especially the part that consisted of FRENCH BREAD AND CAESAR SALAD. I never thought I would miss such things sooooooooooo much.

Anyway, I have also posted pictures, but not here. I am using Google's picassa web gallery, which is super simple, and way more efficient. I can load way more pics in less time and they have captions and such---the link is on the right hand side of my blog under the links option, and I will post it here:

I will also update here to let you know if I post pics in picassa. okee dokee, off to bed soon, night night!


Anonymous said...

Butterfly cocoons...they like just like cocoons with sauce--that must be something you learn to eat from a young age. It is hard to imagive craving those....hmmm "I want a butterfly cocoon!" Perhaps it is no different than us eating fried froglegs.

I agree with the pic/caption layout--it is aeasier to read a caption right under the pic rather than scroll back and forth looking for one.

But we are still waiting to see the boat...

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes...the boat. We need to see the boat. The pics were great Kari! The food looks interesting and tastey too, however I'll have my cocoon's fried thankyouverymuch.

Mong's father looks like a young man, not much older than Mong. How lucky he is. I think he looks like a fisherman too, but not one from Westport, WA. love pop

beat you again AK.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July!!!

No much here! Korinn is at the zoo all day, Caitlin at work and Mel is on another bike around Houston adventure! Everything is super crowded so I am home updating my iPod!
6 days till I fly to RDD and 5 days till Sophie.
Cool photo website. I am gonna check it out. Although Flickr is darn easy too.

Keep chomping on the cocoons!!!
love ak

Anonymous said...

eel sounds pretty good, actually; i would take that over butterfly cocoons any day--i often wonder what makes people think of things as 'food sources'. i guess it all depends on personal taste, really, but it's not something i would naturally think of...:D

Anonymous said...

Kyle ate coon and Kari ate cocoons!! hahahhah--That would have made for some good conversation way back when, eh?


Anonymous said...

Oh,you triggered a memory!

Years back I remember when Uncle Paul and I visited Israel, we went to the border of Israel and Lebanon. Very interesting, lots of UN police around and lots of tension. I was kinda nervous there..just felt dangerous, although, I did get brave and touch the fence between the 2 countries.

You will have to visit DMZ and report back!

love k