Friday, June 06, 2008
Yes, I have posted pictures.
Ok here are the pictures and small commentaries to go with them: 1. King crabs at the fish market in Masan (right outside the apartment). 2. Me with octopus legs sticking to my face...yes I ate a few, but I couln't eat an entire leg, only the small pieces. 3. Mong, Hwayon, myself, and Mong's parents friends son who is going to a language school in the fall in SF at a restauarnt owned by Daewoo--the car company, it was on the 18th floor. 4. Pig feet for sale at the market. 5. Larger octupi--I dont think people eat these raw because they are too big to chew, some o their suction cups are the size of grapes so that could be dangerous. When they are cooked though they turn white and purple. 6. Small octupi, these are are ones we eat raw and squirming. They are squishy and slimy. 7. Downtown Masan at night. 8. Mong and hisbest friend Jong-won at a sum-gyup sal restaurant...they cook thick pieces of bacon and then it's eaten with a variety of things like salad leaves, different hot sauces, kimchis, garlic, onions, and other stuff. They put it on the gril on the table and then we ciook it, it;s super tasty. 9. Jong-won's sisters daughter and I...she and her brother were super cute, she asked me to sign her planner and he told me all the english words he knew, about 10. Then I asked if he liked cookies and he said "gookie??" and I said, yes, cookies! And he ran away to rummage through a bunch of books and board games, and came back with this box filled with cards with flags on them. And he said "gookie! gookie!" Mong then informed me that gookie means flag. 10. Kyungnam, near Kyungnam University---all the people on the other side of the street are students walking to school. 11. Kyungnam University, the prettiest universtity campus I've ever seen. It reminded me of Humboldt because there are a LOT of trees and plants and very green, but there were all these cool old asian style staircases and some of the buildings were very traditional looking. 12. Mong and I eating with his aunt (she is taking the picture) at a restaurant. Most restaurants you sit on the floor on little mats. Some of them have tables and chairs, but usually if they do they also have floor seeting also. 13. Apartments in CHangwon, the city next to Masan. Most apartments are clustered like this. 14. A lady selling her varieties of fish, eel, octupi, clams and such at the market in CHangwon. She was in the process of chopping their heads off, and a few escapes and were squirming around on the ground. 15. Veggies for sale at the market. 16. Changwon Plaza. 17. A public toilet--most are like this. About half the restaurants have regular toilets, and nice department stores do, but most toilets in town are like this. Oftentimes there is also no toilet paper, or you have to ask for it at the front desk or smoething. Although everywhere else in Korea there is an abundance of TP--in cars, hanging from the wall in lower-scale restaurants, on office desks, they use it for EVERYTHING.

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That was great! Thank you for posting pictures. Now we need some of Mong's family and where they live...and don't forget the most important thing...his dads commercial fishing boat! And then some close ups of his sport fishing equipment (fly rod, reel, tackle, etc,.) Guess you could email those if you want, but it would add even that much more diversity to your blog and make it even that much more attractive to us non-cultural types.
Love Pop many thousands of dollars have you made so far?
Oh yes...and the toilet. Quite inovative. To me, this looks like the perfect design for a public comode. Reason being...eas of cleaning. As the bowl is flush with the floor, a mop would be all that is necessary to clean the entire bathroom. No hand work necessary which would provide a higher degree of safety / hygene to the maintenance person.
Pretty sharp those South Koreans.....
Wow--what interesting details of daily life. YOu did a nice job giving a glimpse into the Korean culture. Now the teacher here...tell me about your instruction and teaching--how is that going--what big differences are you seeing in language insruction/conversation etc. Did you visit the school--send pics of a classroom...
love mom
Check out flickr. It is pretty cool and very user friendly. On flickr you can link directly to the blog and that way you can write your commentary attached to the photo and click a button "blog this" and poof, the photo and caption are posted. Which is easier for us oldesters to connect caption and photos!!
Also, did you know you can blog via your email. Through the blog setting you can attach it to your gmail account then just write a email and email it to your blog and poof, it is there. Very slick.
Also, Korinn say she can't see my flickr page photos unless she logs in as a yahoo account holder but I know for a fact several people who do not have yahoo accts can see my photos so I don't know what Korinn is doing that she can't see them. No one else has had a issue. I can view my photos without logging in.
Anyways, check out flickr, the blogging feature was a real perk as I wasn't even gonna post photos since they are such a pain on slow internet's.
Mel is at the commie meeting! she can fill you in!~!! has to do with a boy!!!
Caitin and I are off to see "Sex in the City".
Keep blogging so I enjoy foreign travels via you!! Even if your ONLY readers are me and your parents. Your doing better than me, NO ONE reads mine except me!
love you
korinn did not leave the previous post!! it was me, your aunty!!
what is the deal with that toilet on the floor? I don't understand. I fear if I was to use it I would land in it and get stuck!!
It just looks mighty unusable to me.
that's cause you're citified...through tens of years of using only a modern (american standard)toilet, you've lost your natural sense of ballance. In affect, you have dissabled yourself. In the wild, you would probably be eaten by wolves after having sprained your wrist and broken your ankle in an unfortunate potti accident.
To me, the toilet looks to be of perfect design. I suppose a more modern and comfortable version might include a nice, smooth, debarked log laid horizontally accross the front to sit on...and maybe an assortment of clean corncobs tucked neatly into know..for the tough jobs. Mullen leaves would be a nice touch also.
Kari. The boat...don't forget the boat!
hey kari! you mean you didnt take a video of you eating the octopus leg? i really would have like to see that! hehe.
i just wanted to let you know (again) that what you're doing is so amazing (just like you!!) i wish i could experience what you're experiencing, but instead, i am taking finals this week. haha
ps im going to be in redding from the 13th to the 21st and jess is getting there the 17th! if we could do a phone sesh that would be AWESOME!
love you!
also, i dont know what happened to my "blogger identity" so now im just anonymous. hehehe
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