OK i havent posted because I have been busy and haven't had that time to post, to be honest. I am in the middle of preparing for my Eurotour, which is in SEVEN days!!! I have to do a presentation in german on Cote d'azur, which is in southern france, on the tour...so i gotta get hoppin on that. And I have sort of planning a trip to Berlin with some buddies, and we have to get it done ASAP in order to get the youth hostel booked. (oooh im excited!) That should be fun! in the beginning of June sometime. And aside from that I was gone from friday to sunday. Friday was my schools ski day, in Switzerland, so that was awesoem...I managed to crash very painfully on my last run, going to fast on a too mogully run...and landed sort of on my forehead and shoulder...therefore for about 30 hours i couldnt lift my arm more than 6 inches and little cuts on my forehead and eyelid. No biggy tho hehe And then right when I got back to Säckingen I took off to Bonndorf, a little town just a ways from where i live we rotary had a youth hostel for us for the weekend. We werent all the exchange students from this district, they couldnt all make it, but there are some new ones (south africa, zimbabwe, and new zealand...AWESOME accent! we just chilled and had snowball fights and ashley and i worked out and did tai bo and i ran into a door k´nob and got a really gnarly bruise on my love handle! it hurt soooo bad, so someone went and got me snow and put it in a bag and i rested it on my love handle, but then it got to cold and so then there was a little snow flying around inside...dont worry we cleaned it up. i have had a cold for almost 2 weeks now and my voice was absolutely butchered after friday night...it was richtig kaputt. my german is really getting cool now im proud of myself. well ja i think thats about all oh and there is no longer 5 feet of snow...it rained so it sunk about a foot, then snowed another 6inches on weekend, but the suns been shining (thank mother nature...) and so its melting! JA! well the thing isnt letting me post anymore pics, so thats me and ashley being weird in bed taking weird pics and then morgan and i after a snow fight...they are both from british colombia!
yeah, you bought your dad off for at least a week. I think it is wonderful for you to be busy. It is okay to keep us oldsters waiting as long as your having fun!! Next week euro tour!! yahoo
keep on keepin on....
love ak
I just realized your readers are now Melloknee's readers so that should take care of your dad blogs needs just a tiny bit....but don't keep him waiting to long...then he will have pent up blog issues and explode!!!
te amo tu tia
OK Ashley in Deutschland...Tell me about the milk droplets.
Kari does not know, but I have much more control over her destiny than she realizes. If you do not divulge said information about the milk dropplets, it will be poor Kari that will pay. Is this what you want precious Ashley in Deutschland? Do you wish for your friend Kari to pay the price for your secrets? Are YOU prepared to live the rest of YOUR life knowing YOU instigated the beginning of the end for poor innocent Kari?
I thought not! So spill the beans! Tell the world...and Aunt Kathy too...TELL US ABOUT THE MILK DROPPLETS!
This better be good. Gotta get back to work.
Oh, hi Kari.
Love pOp
Oldster...speak for yourself.
ah, Berlin, eh? did you mean that you're going before the Europatour? that would be knapp. actually, that sounds like what I discussed with Ashley, but I suggested after we got back from ET. let me know what you guys plan - would you mind me comin' along? I got there for a day, but the weather was horrible and I had to marathon it. well, just let me know, if you don't mind. *still missing Berlin :)* oh, and, experience tells me that we might not want to know about the milk droplets....
ah, the second comment...I missed the part where you wrote your were going in June. cool.
im commenting on my own blog again, and sorry pop, you will not be hearing about the milk droplets story...that is a story between Ashley and I and any of the other exchange students that witnessed it. So dont spill the milk ashley!hahah no pun intended ahahah....and sorry my grammar isnt too good, it just takes forever to fix everything since there is no auto thing on blogger...and im lazy i guess, just easier to type fast and not to have to worry about it. bis dann, ciao kari
what is all this about milk dropletts????? I am outta the loop on this one... UT, perhaps we oldsters don't need KNOW everything our little chickens are up too??? do ya remember your good ol' days..did ya mama know all?? did ya daddy know all... I bet NOT!!!
But it fun harrassing them isn't it!! Besides...we parental units do have our own way of obtaining info when we need too!!! So beware youngsters!!!
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