Saturday, March 04, 2006


i made that title as long as i could to emphasize my point. sure, i was happy on november 25th or whatever when it snowed for the first time, but now i am very angry with mother nature. she must be mad at all the exchange students in germany that come from snowless areas (ie, south america (except those from the peaks of the Andes mountains), mexico, california, oklahoma, thailand, south usa, a lot of japan, france on the coast, new zealand, south africa, zimbabwe, all of afica, india, the list goes on.....), and so she is dumping a years worth of snow ontop of germany less than 3 weeks before the beginning of spring!!!! its been snowing on and off, almost nonstop, since last friday, so yes, thats a week...and i look out my window at the side yard and with my measurments, it appears to be about 3 1/2 feet of snow. probably 3/4 of it is new. it rained a wee bit last night as the temperatures decided to rise a little (although i was in freiburg for the day, where it was pretty, snowless, a bit sunny, spring windy, an 12° celcius...a dream.....), and so the snow lowered about an inch. but thats it. and its still snowing....the banks on the side of the road are taller than i am, and as is the pathway from the back door to the other driveway to the house....shovellin snow and just piling it up along the pathway makes for a very tall bank...above my head...i hate the snow.

pray for me. make it stop snowing. right now i just want rain rain rain rain rain that will make the snow go away fast.,....warm rain...and then i can go running, outside, and maybe even frolick in green fields!!!!


Brent in Germany said...

hehe, ours always goes away instead of building up...we have 2 inches. I'm enjoying it today, though, I baked oatmeal butterscotch cookies this morning. everybody learned the word cookie. 20 days 'til europatour!

Anonymous said...

Rain, rain, and more rain. Can't say I hate it tho..the sun will soon be upon us and I will be lamenting these rainy days. Pop and I are going out to do some spillway repair (shoring up the dam...just in case) before the next storm hits later tonight.

Aye, yi, yi. Kari. How can you write all those proper nouns with out capital letters? Where have all of your grammar conventions gone?

I love the Swiss Alps desktop. What a gorgeous shot! Hey video that snow so we can see it. In fact go walk down the street so we can see how high it is. And who shovels snow there???

Off ta work.. Love, mom

Anonymous said...

I remember when you loved snow!! Guess your just a snow visitor!! I kinda miss it here, can't even drive a hour and see it. Snow is thousand miles away!!!

A week from today, I fly to Seattle to see my gal pals from the hood!!! I am gonna freeze there. Here it is averaging in the 70's now, there the high is 50 and below freezing at night.

I just got out of the spa, so ck the email and hop off to bed. Pepper the queen cat is sitting on my desk watching me!!


Anonymous said...

hey, is this going to work?

Anonymous said...

hey kari, i hope you can read this, you know im not ever sure where ill end up on these damn computers. hey how are you? i was messing around trying to get your email into my address book and found this instead. good thing i saved your moms email from a while ago. i didnt read all the stuff in the blog because i was too anxious to get to you and i havent talked to your mom in a coons age. whasupsister,jr? write me at thatgirl@snowcrest if possible. mostly sos here, my hairdresser moved to seattle to get married (shes gone kathy) and now lisa burrows(?) is that right michelle? remember the one with all the hair and piercings at school council meetings, anyway, now shes going to do my hair. look out world-im going bohemian. kari, ill be the one with purple hair, lip studs, an eyebrow ring and zebra print spandex pants with a leopard boa waiting for you at the airport . . . hope to hear from you soon, xoxo brooke

Anonymous said...

Too bad you're getting sick of the snow. Maybe you will like it is Christmas Valley...not much can jog just about anywhere...and lits of fields to frolick in, however there will be no frolicking without close supervision. Anyway, just buck-up and get used to it. Life's tough. What do you think the indians did in the winter in Montana? It's not like they could hop on a bus to Orange county or anything, so just find something good about it...get yorself some Cherry Hawian Punch Concentrate, a cup, a spoon and lawn chair
and go sit outside and eat snow-cones! Man, could I do for a snowcone right about now!

I agree with your maja. Your grammar and punctuation is going to crap. I wouldn't know anything about your spelling though, so I can't complain bout that. Only reason I notice your grammar issues is because it's so blatently terrible. Bad habbit to get trapped in.

Oh, by the way. You probably haven't thought about it, but if you did, you probably wondered if I'd be at the airport when you come home. Well...if Brooke comes along with purple hair, lip studs, an eyebrow ring and zebra print spandex pants with a leopard boa, as she indicated above, you can bet I'll be there! (now it's almost a guarentee she'll do it).

Speaking of zebra print, the black and white snappers are currently fighting over my lap. They had a pretty hard hunt yesterday and chased several rabbits out for SHiela and Dargo, three of which were caught and one of which was released so to ensure perpetuatation of the species and allow the continuance of the ever so terrible predator-prey relationship so undervalued and misunderstood by anti hunters and city-folk. Enough of that.

It's pouring rain here and Hankey Pankey has been sitting in the rain staring at the sheep since dawn.

Well, the blog censor committee (your mother) has vust informed my I have exceeded my comment space limit and I need to get off. Sooo...I guess this is all for now.
Love poP

Anonymous said...

Hey Kari!!!
I agree with you on snow. It is only pretty when you can sit inside in front of a roaring fire with a book watching it from time to time out the window.
Hey and don't think those two little snappers of your folks only chase 4 legged animals!!! I brought little Hannah out there the other day and you should have seen that chase!!!! I about cracked poor Hannah expense! She was petrified!!!
Here we have these two little critters under feet not able to move fast enough not to get squashed now and then. Not potty trained yet so have to really watch them.
What has that all got to do with your blog!!! Who knows.
But we don't have kids...your Mom says she wouldn't have chosen us either as we don't have enough energy!!!! Are we really getting that old???
Seems like there was some reason I was going to write..oh yeah. Twany Oberg! Their ice hockey team in Nova Scotia is going to the finals somewhere in Canada next week. Her folks just flew out to see her and attend that. She is really good her granny says. Would you like me to get her e mail address?
Also how come no one told me your friend...can't think of her name...fiddle player put out a CD? And did I tell you that Holly Lena Moore cut a CD in Nashville? Just type in her name on computer it will come up.
The snow will end. Hopefully the rain will end here. Am picking up Daniel and Heinz at airport tomorrow. Daniel came in 19th, one below final level. But he is happy with that as he wasn't use to the ice.
Blessings and prayers for fairer weather...Granny

Anonymous said...

Oh Kari
Mom and I heard Karlie Grifiths and her friend who is a boy sing at Mrs. Stephensons retirement party. They are VERY good.She has a beautiful voice. I told mom we need to go see them next time they do a real gig. We also heard Kayla Scobes, Kyles old friend who is a girl. She has the same hair Kyle has...sept Kyles is longer. She was also very good. Too bad your mom and I had no musicel gene to pass down eh?

Love Pop

Anonymous said...'s been like over SIX days now. We're ready for another post. Cousin Mental Mel's not writting either, so what am I supposed to do between checking Christmas Valley weather and the huntinghawks web group?

Love Pop